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本周学习重点 七年级上册Unit 1-3 期末复习 Part 1词汇复习 Step 1 重点词汇回顾 1、高频单词:German, Germany, complete, hobby, country, age, dream, everyone, friendly, elder, engineer, world, yourself, daily, never, usually, seldom, practice, together, ring, break, arrive, grade, earth, report, part, land, large, provide, pollution, burn, energy, pollute, into, ground, kill, must, important, fact, own, catch, few, away, problem. 2、高频短语:in ones free time, all over, (be) good at, make fiends with, hear from, would like to, close to, from…to…, get up, take a trip, have a good time, on foot, play the guitar, take part in, provide…with…, put…into…, throw away, make energy 高频考点讲解: 1. German n. 德国人,德语 adj. 德国的,德国人的,德语的 German表示“德国人”时,其复数是在后面直接加s,即“Germans”。 They are from ________. They speak _________. And they are _________. A. German, Germany, Germans B. Germany, German, Germans C. German, German, Germany D. Germany, German, Germen Keys:B elder adj.年长的 elder与older elder用来表示长幼关系;older表示新旧程度、年龄大小关系。 My elder sister is older than me. 我的姐姐比我大。 用填空。 M’s _________ brother is my uncle. He has a daughter ----- my cousin. She is 18 years old. I’m only 13 years old. So she is _________ than me. Keys: elder; older 3. enjoy vt.[重点用法] Keys: D. enjoy yourselves 4. stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 stop doing sth 停止做某事 1. If you are tired , you can stop _____a rest . A having B to have C to having D. have 2. You must stop _____. It’s bad for your health. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. to smoking Keys: B. B be from = come from 来自于 【练习】 ---Where ____you ______? ---Beijing. A. are, come from B. do, from C. /, come from D. are, from Keys: D be good at(doing)sth. = do well in (doing)sth. 擅长,在……方面做得好 would like 想要Would you like to do …? 常用来表示邀请。 ——Yes, I’d like / love to. sorry, I can’t. 或者I’d like to, but… ——Would you like some coffee? 常用来向对方推荐某物。 ——Yes, please. /No, thanks. 【练习】 1. Would you like ________to a movie with me? to go B.


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