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雅思口语6-7.5分考前一个月必练词组,句子等 180组 1名词词组: a few friends of mine an essential part There’s a great number of traffic accidents happened everyday. a good listener 一个很好的听众 all-round person 全方面人才 bright future 光明的未来 comprehensive skills 综合技能 cultural heritage 文化遗产 fitness center 健身中心 focus of attention 关注的焦点 internet café 网吧 low salary/high salary 低薪水/高薪水 many aspects of life 生活的很多方面 modern society 现代社会 movie censorship电影审查制度 on-line shopping 网上购物 people of all ages各年龄段的人们 pleasant atmosphere 令人愉快的环境 pop song 流行歌曲 role model 偶像 scenic spot 景点 serious air pollution 严重的空气污染 the Imperial Palace/the Palace Museum 故宫 traffic jams in rush hours 高峰时期的塞车 valuable experiences 有价值的经历 well-rounded education 全面教育It’s located in… 确保某事: It can guarantee sth. to make sure this will not happen 给某人提供某物: provide sb. with sth. acquire a lot of knowledge one can not find in textbooks 学到书本上学不到的知识 add to the opportunity/the success 增加机会/增加成功性 avoid health problems 避免亚健康/健康问题 be helpful/beneficial to 对…有利 be under too much pressure of school work 学校课业压力过重 become more aware of the importance of… 越来越认识…的重要性 bring sb. up 把某人抚养长大 broaden one’s horizon 开阔眼界 do harm/good to children 对孩子有害/有利 do one’s best/utmost 尽某人最大力量 enforce laws 实施法律 enrich one’s life 丰富生活阅历 ensure efficiency 确保高效 exchange ideas 交流思想 exert influence on 对…施加影响 feel a pity 感到遗憾 get some fresh air 吸些新鲜空气 has a negative influence on… 对…有负面的影响 have some fun 快乐一下 chat with friends 同朋友聊天 click on the mouse 点击鼠标 impart knowledge 传授知识 improve the ability of … 提高某方面的能力 invest a lot of money in 在…方面投资 involve a lot of violence and sex 涉及到很多暴力和性 is not fit/suitable for young people 不适合年轻人 kill time 消磨时光 make contributions to the progress of society 对社会进步做贡献 make friends with sb. 同某人交朋友 make the world smaller 使世界变小 never give up easily 不要轻易放弃 offer a way to take one’s mind away from the stress of everyday life 提


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