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今天下午你打算做什么? What are you going to do this afternoon? 我打算打篮球。 Im going to play basketball. 暑假期间我经常看到你打篮球。 I often saw you play basketball during the summer holiday. 这周末我们将要和3班举行篮球比赛。 Were going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday. 我希望我们队会赢 I hope our team will win. 你想要来为我们加油吗? Would you like to come and cheer us on? 当然,我想去。/抱歉,我有太多作业要做。 Sure, Id like to./ Sorry, I have too much homework to do. --你最喜爱的运动是什么?--篮球。 --Whats your favorite sport? Which sport do you like best? --Basketball. 长大后你打算做什么?What are you going to be when you grow up? 我打算成为一名科学家。 Im going to be a scientist. 她每天花半小时在健身房。 She spends half an hour exercising in the gym every day. 下周末将会有一场校运会 There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend. 他们相信她一定会赢。 Theyre sure that she will win. 太可惜的是这支足球队不打算呆太长时间。 Its too bad that the soccer team isnt going to stay for long. 后天,为了和日本国家队的一场比赛 他们将要前往日本。 Theyre leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow for a game against Japans national team 我的一个队友生病了。 One of my teammates fell ill. 你要加入我们吗? Will you join us? 我很乐意。Id be glad to. 但我不是很擅长它。 Im not very good at it. 你介意教我吗? Would you mind teaching me? 根本不。Not at all. 从不 Never mind. 你可以的. You can do it. 让我们去练习吧 Lets go and practice 我把球踢给你。I kick the ball to you. I kick you the ball. 保持努力 Keep trying. 一个运动员成不了一个队。 One player doesnt make a team. 独木不成林 One tree cant /doesnt make a forest. 我们要学会团队合作。 We should learn teamwork. 别再生对方的气 Dont be angry with each other. 康康,向Michael 说对不起怎么样? What about saying sorry to Michael? 我为我所说的感到抱歉. Im sorry for what i said. 你能帮我吗?Could you help me,please? =Could you please give me a hand? =Could you do me a favor? 当然。Sure. 起初,它是一项室内运动为的是学生们可以在 糟糕的天气里玩。 At first, it was an indoor game so that students could play in bad weather. 篮球是一项室内室外皆可的体育运动。 Basketball is both an indoor and outdoor game. 目标是把球扔在对方的篮子,并阻止对手这样做。 The goal is to throw the ball through the sides basket , and to stop others from doing so. 对于你和其他队员来说更重要的是要像一个团 队一样(配合)打篮球 Its more important fo


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