Person To Person.ppt

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Person To Person

* * * * * * * * * 2. co-workers/ colleague/ fellow n. 共同工作者, 合作者, 同事, 帮手 3. non-verbal behavior n. 非语言行为 4. Overtime n. 超时, 加班, 延长时间 adj. 超时的, 加班的 adv. 加班地 vt. 使超时 5. Pat To tap gently with the open hand or with something flat. 轻拍,轻打:用掌或扁平物轻拍 6. Slap To strike with a flat object, such as the palm of the hand. 掌掴:用一扁平的物体(如手掌)打 7. Hierarchy The group so categorized. 等级森严的组织:按上述办法划分的集团 A1. Summarize Listen to the interview of Charles Cotton (3.08), try to figure out what’re the features of working in a technology company in the U.S. Features: relaxed working environment flat organization Listen to the interview of Boira Segarra (3.08), then find out what is working environment in Spain. Spain: lots of holidays, relaxed about the time more relaxing working environment Suggestions Imagine that a foreigner comes to your China, what suggestions you should give to him to behave properly in the new environment? Hints 1. Wear formal clothes in the office 2. don’t call the first name … … What are the touching behavior in China? Chinese people are friendly Shake hands: light OK: pat someone on shoulder slap someone on the back Some other aspects of non-verbal behavior -- whether or not a man should open a door for a woman, and stand up when a woman enters a room -- what kind of clothes to wear in the office: casual or formal clothes? -- the use of gestures in different cultures -- some special customs in different cultures 4. Could you please…? Goals 1. Practice offering to do something in the office, making request and asking permission. 2. Responding to others’ requests. Vocabulary Air- conditioning 空调,通常指制冷 Heating 加热 Permission n. 许可 Lid 盖子 Crumpled /krampld/ adj.摺皱的, 弄皱的 Fresh air 新鲜空气 Paper jam 卡纸 Listening for idea (4.10) Listen and repeat, copying the tone pro


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