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F3 Homework Furniture Design Class : ___3E____ No. _28,34____ Title: Studying desk for kid 設計目標、為誰設計 AIMS 、 FOR WHOM To design a desk which is playful to kids in order to increase their interest in studying. Some of the equipment inside can be considered as entertainment including books for reading, paper and pastels for drawing for kids to relax after studying. 設計產品的要求 和 基本功能What are needed ? Any functions ? A chair and equipment for kids to draw, paint and study should be included. (at least) B. The equipment should be stored as tidy and as easy for kids to understand what they are as possible when they are not in use. 選取的材料 MATERIALS Why these materials are selected ? Plastic (in outstanding colors) It is because domestic appliances that were made of plastic were commonly used in the past and outstanding colors are the best representative colors in presenting the retro style. 設計原素-造形和顏色 DESIGN ELEMENTS – FORM / SHAPE COLOR Color顏色的運用 Shinning, colorful, light, dark Light and colorful - domestic appliances designed in retro style are usually colorful and in bright and light colors such as red and yellow.) 2. Form造形 (symmetrical, stable, circular, thick, thin, long) Fat, thick, short and swelling - this fits the retro design. 人體工學 ergonomics : Keywords , arrow pointer, pictures 1. Functions功能 (描述任何機械 零件或 配件的操作,如何滿足 設計產品的要求 和 基本功能) : 支架結構、機關 The apple turns into a studying desk for kid. The desk can be extended. The height of the chair can be changed. Storage儲物間隔 Style 設計風格 : Retro Keywords , arrow pointer, pictures Fat, thick, short and swelling Outstanding colors 產品的設計如何影響社會文化 或 社會文化如何影響產品的設計SOCIAL IMPACT AND INFLUENCE OF CULTURE TO BE DEVELOPED FROM THE PROJECT It is commonly known that kids will focus on studying or doing anything else only when something interesting is/are provided, the apple-shaped studying desk designed in bright colors and the equipment inside will be abl


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