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课程教案 课题及课时:授课类型  授课时间 第周教学目标: 教学要点:. 理论知识讲解; 2. 翻译实践训练。 教学重点和难点:教学手段与方法:教学过程: English), courageous(old French), valorous and valiant(from Latin). 2. 英语有一词多义和一词多用的现象。下面以straight为例: He is a straight thinker. Put your room straight. She keeps straight. The accounts are straight. They voted the straight ticket. She went straight home without going to the market. He was tall and straight and clear-eyed and dark. He is fairly straight with me. This is a very straight place. There is a lot of things we have got to get straight. Thanks for setting me straight. I believe I am thinking straight. He keeps a straight face. 3. 英汉词汇的某些差异 1)词义宽窄不同 山:hill, mountain, 借:lend, borrow, 笑:smile, laugh, 听:listen, hear, etc. Wear: 穿,戴 river: 江,河 brother, president, brother-in-law, uncle, wife, aunt, etc. 2)观察事物的角度和联想不同 Close the door behind you. 随手关门。 Lie on one’s back; lie on one’s stomach. 仰卧,伏卧。 3)习俗不同,背景不同。 To wear one’s Sunday best As poor as a church mouse Fool’s paradise To know the ropes 4)词的涵义与搭配的不同。 Parent ticket Shoe habit Wheat farmers Street sense Life work Office hours Community gossips Age group 5)词语的排列顺序不同。 Back and forth Old and new Hot and cold Flesh and blood Joy and sorrow Fire and water Land and water Rich and poor Track and field Sooner or later One and the same One and only Rain or shine Suffer from cold and hunger North, south, east and west Food, clothing, housing and transportation 6)英语中习语所用的数词与汉语不同。 Think twice In two minds In threes and fours At sixes and sevens In one or two words One in a thousand 英汉语言词汇句中对比与翻译: 英汉两种言分属印欧语系和汉藏语系,英语是拼音文字,汉语是表意文字,两者之间存在着很大的差异。这种差异首先反映在词汇上。与翻译关系比较密切的因素主要包括词义、词形、和词的音律和节奏等。.1英汉语的词义对比与翻译 说到翻译,人们自然会想到词的选择。有人以为手持一本英汉词典和一本汉英词典就可以翻译了。这是一种非常幼稚的想法。这不仅是因为翻译牵涉到诸多非语言因素,如文化知识和科学常识等,而且还因为英语和汉语和词汇之间本身就有着很大的差别。这种差别首先表现在词义上。英国语言学家利奇把最广义的意义划分为七种不同的类型:外延意义、内涵意义、社会意义、情感意义、反映意义、搭配意义和主题意义。除了主题意义外,其他六种意义都与词义密切相关。显然,词典告诉我们的主要是词的外延意义,如“土地”、“红色”、和“荷花”在英语中分别为earth、red和lotus?flower,而它们的其他意义则不大可能作全面的反映。可以毫不夸张地说,除了科技词汇外,英语和汉语中几乎没有两个词在所有的意义和用法上是完全对等的。具体


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