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Manager on Duty (MOD) Report 店值经理的检查报告 Date of Inspection检查日期: __________________ Name of Inspector检查人员姓名:______________ Title职位:__________________________________ General Procedures程序概要 Duty Time :08:30 - 08:30 您的值班时间:早08:30至次日早8:30 Please keep your mobile phone reachable until your duty end. Please inform the Operator and Duty Manager when you start to be on duty. 请保持您的手机在店值期间开启并处于畅通状态。当您开始值班时,请通知总机和前厅值班经理。 Make yourself visible to the hotel employees and assist if necessary. Your place is the lobby not your office. 您必须保证酒店员工能够看到您并且您能够提供必要的帮助,您的工作地点是在酒店的各营业区域而不是办公室内。 Make sure to cover the public areas and back of the house areas while on duty. Check and note in your report any hazardous situations and safety infractions. 请确保您的检查范围覆盖酒店所有公共区域和后台区域,并且要保证将任何违反安全规定的情况记录在店值报告中。 A total of 2 rooms from different floors to be inspected over the period. 您必须在店值期间检查至少2间不同楼层的房间。 In case of extreme emergency, ensure that the General Manager is contacted. 一旦遇到重大紧急情况,必须及时通知酒店总经理办公室成员。 Please submit this report to the General Manager after you complete the duty. 在店值结束后请将此报告呈报总经理办公室。 Check on the following请检查以下各项目: Occupancy出租率: Expected arrivals预计抵店间夜数: Expected departure预计离店数量: Note any catering/banquet functions or event order: 记录餐饮及宴会等活动: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please follow the MOD handover procedure. 请遵循店值交接班制度。 B. Check any VIPB and VIPA room set-up/Group arrivals and their arrangements. 检查VIPB和VIPA抵店房间安排/团队以及他们的安排。 Main lobby entrance. If yes, please check “V”. If No, please specify. 酒店大堂正门。如果“是”,请划“V”。如果“否”,请写明问题。 YES是 NO否 Is the entrance free from obstructions? 酒店正门道路是否无障碍(通畅)? Hotel exterior light and logo are lighted properly? 酒店外观灯和标识灯是否


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