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Watching Me Go 赤子情深 来源:《英语温馨夜读II》 时间:2007-09-19   大人们不理解小孩子,他们总是认为孩子太小了,他们小小的脑袋里装不下什么东西,他们小小的心灵里也不会有太多的想法。但是只要大人们仔细观察,就会发现孩子们的“小”中承载着大人们难以想象的深情。 My son Brendan cried his first day of school. Even Mrs. Phillips, a kind, soft-spoken master of the six-year-old mind, could not coax him to a seat. His eyes streamed, his nose ran and he clung to me like a snail on a strawberry. I plucked him off and escaped. It wasnt that Brendan didnt like school. He just didnt like being apart from me. Wed had some good times, he and I, in those preschool years. We played at the pool. We skated on quiet morning ice. We sampled half the treat tray at weekly neighborhood coffee parties. Now in Grade 1, Brendan was faced with five hours of wondering what I was doing with my day. Brendan always came home for lunch, the only one of his class not to eat at his desk. But once home, fed and hugged, a far-away look of longing would crease his gentle brow梙e wanted to go back to school to play! So I walked him back, waited with him until he spotted someone he knew, then left. He told me once that he watched me until he couldnt see me anymore, so I always walked fast and never looked back. One day when I took Brendan back after lunch, he spied a friend, kissed me goodbye, and scampered right off. I went, feeling pleased for him, celebrating his new independence, his entry into the first-grade social loop. Then桰 didnt know why桰 glanced back. And there he was. The playground buzzed all around him, kids everywhere, and he stood, his chin tucked close, his body held small, his face intent but not sad, blowing me kisses. So brave, so unashamed, so completely loving, Brendan was watching me go. No book on mothering could have prepared me for that quick, raw glimpse into my childs soul. My mind leaped 15 years ahead to him packing boxes and his dog grown old and him saying, Dry up, Mom. Its not like Im leaving the country. In my mind I tore up the card every mother sign


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