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雅思奢华名师班听力讲义 姜淇释 第一讲 解析雅思听力考试中的听力干扰问题 雅思听力试中为了增加难度,会连续给出几个干扰,但只有一个是对应题的。所以,如果碰到数个信息连续,考生必须看清题目,排除干扰信息。如何应对雅思听力干扰是听力解题技巧中,必须要掌握的。雅思听力干扰出现的地方录音和选项中这种陷阱出现在选择题的选项中,即出题人故意把录音中的部分信息,作为选项给出。要破解这个难题,,而不是仅靠几个单词的对应去判断。在此,考生,千万不能“听风就是雨”。雅思听力真题范例Dans neighbor was successful in business because he (剑5 TEST2 SECTION2 Q12)  A employed carpenters from the area.   B was the most skilled craftsman in the town. C .found it easy to reach customers. 1 本题答案:C录音:My neighbors business was unusually successful and for years I couldnt understand why. Then I realized having a bike meant he could get where he wanted to go without much trouble. Other local carpenters could only accept jobs in a three-kilometer radius ,so no matter how skilled they werethey could never do as many jobs as my neighbor.   :本题难度适中,但出现了很多干扰信息,平时如果只靠“只字片语”来判断答案,这类题目就很难拿分了。 题目:Dan的邻居在事业上很成功,是因为他…   原文:Then I realized having a bike meant he could get where he wanted to go without much trouble.(我意识到他有了一辆自行车就意味着他可以无阻碍地到任何他想去的地方。)   C:found it easy to reach customers. (感到找到客户很容易) 与听力原文相符,所以答案C正确。 干扰信息:A:employed carpenters from the area.(雇佣了当地的木匠)A中的carpenters 会在原文录音中听到,但原文中“Other local carpenters could only accept jobs in a three-kilomete radius”译为:其他当地木匠只可以在方圆3公里(半径)内找到工作。根本没有提到雇佣,所以答案A错误。 B:was the most skilled craftsman in the town.(是城里手艺最好的工匠)答案B中的skilled会在原文录音中听到,但原文中“so no matter how skilled they were, they could never do as many jobs as neighbor.”译为:无论他们的手艺多么精湛,他们都不能和邻居做一样多的工作,与答案B中的意思相差很大,所以答案B错误。例Engine size: __________(剑5 TEST3 SECTION1 Q1) 原文:The one I’ve got at the moment’s a 1.2-litre engine but I find it a bit slow on long journeys. I’d like a bit more power this time… 1.4 should do. I don’t think I need a 1.6 or anything. 答案:1.4 litres 解析:可以发现在这短短的几句话中,出现了三个可以表示engine size的数字:1.2,1.4和1.6,那么除了正确答案,剩下的两个,就是明显的干扰信息。而且正确答案既不是第一个,也不是最后一个,反而是中间的,如果无法正确辨析,就极易出错。例 What will the reviewer concentrate on today? (剑4 TEST3 SECTION 2 )A theatre B dance C exhibition 原文:The program has sensational theatre, dance and also a


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