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9.学习, 学会 10.故事 learn story C3: 22 C4: 27 11 相同的 12 不同的 same different C3: 41 C4: 34 13.--想去看电影吗? --Yes, I do. But whats on today? Do you want to go to a movie? 想。不过,今天有什么电影? C3: 4 C4: 44 14. 我不喜欢记录片,太沉闷了。你呢? I don’t like documentaries. They are too boring. How (What) about you? C3: 58 C4: 25 --我也不喜欢记录片。 I don’t like documentaries, either. C3: 15 C4: 39 但我喜欢动作片, 我觉得动作片挺有意思的。 But I like action movies. I think they’re very interesting. C3: 19 C4: 49 15.因为相同的原因,我也非常喜欢福建。 For the same reason, I like Fujian very much. C3: 38 C4: 5 总之,一句话,我热爱中国。 In a word, I love China. C3: 27 C4: 12 16.从这些照片中我可以了解到 许多中国历史。 I can learn a lot about Chinese history from these pictures (photos). C3: 13 C4: 37 Word Study favorite [5feIvErIt] adj./n. 最喜爱的(东西) 2. movie star电影明星 3. actor [5AktE] n. (男)演员 (actress女演员) 4.speed [spid]快, 迅速, 速度 [bZst] (good, well 的最高级)最好的 6.successful [sEk`sZsfEl] adj.成功的 7.famous [`feImEs] adj. 驰名的(for); 著名的 8.sleepless [9sliplIs] adj.失眠的,不能入睡的 9.fact [fAkt] n.真实, 真相 in fact 真实上 10.even [5ivEn] adv.甚至, 更加 11.night [naIt]n.夜晚,黑夜 at night 在晚上 [bi]v. 是, 在, 成为 13.tell [tZl]v.告诉, 讲述 tell a story讲故事 14.artist [5BrtIst] n. 艺术家, 画家 Read the article. Underline the description words. On weekends, I often go to movies with my friend, Jack. My favorite movie star is Jack Chan. Hes a great actor. He has a new movie, Speed. Its a very success-ful action movie. I think its exciting. Jack likes Michele Yan best. He likes her famous movies, Sleepless night. Its a thriller. I dont think its great. In fact, its boring. One thing is interesting. Jack also likes Beijing Opera. He often tells me, “Beijing Opera is really fun!” My father likes it too. He even wants to be a Beijing Opera artist! SB, P 57. Complete the movie review with the words in the box. Example: Kevin Johnson is a great actor. His new movie is Danger Zone. Its an ac


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