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* * 10^11 photons from center of our Galaxy, transverse about 30,000 ly of interstellar dust, 1 photon reaches Sun. * * astronomers know the shape of interstellar dust particles better than their composition. Although the minute atoms in the interstellar gas are basically spherical, the dust particles are not. Individual dust grains are apparently elongated or rodlike, as shown in Figure 18.3. We can infer this because the light emitted by stars is dimmed and partially polarized, or aligned, by the dust. * 偏振是指波的振动方向相对于波的传播方向的一种空间取向作用。光波的电振动相对于传播方向具有不对称性的光称为偏振光。光波是电磁波,麦克斯韦从理论上证明了光波的电矢量E和磁矢量H都垂直于光波的传播方向,即光是横波。在与传播方向垂直的二维空间里电矢量E有各式各样的振动状态,这些状态称为光的偏振状态。常见的偏振状态 若電磁波的電場平行於偏振片方向時即可通過;而垂直者不能通過。 * * * The wide, intense lines are formed in the stars hot atmosphere; narrower, weaker lines arise from the cold interstellar clouds. The smaller the cloud, the weaker the lines. The redshifts or blueshifts of the narrow absorption lines provide information on cloud velocities. The narrow absorption lines contain information about dark interstellar clouds, just as stellar absorption lines reveal the properties of stars, and nebular emission lines tell us about conditions in hot nebulae. * xkong@ * H C N O H2 hydrogen CO carbon monoxide H2O water H2CO formaldehyde C3H2 cyclopropenylidene HC11N Molecules in the ISM CO emission line visible light Taurus-Auriga Cloud * xkong@ * 电子跃迁?UV和Opt.波段 分子振动跃迁 ? 红外波段 分子转动跃迁 ? 射电波段 分子辐射 * xkong@ * 光学 射电 示踪分子 H2分子不发射射电辐射,但通常与CO、HCN、NH3、H2O 分子成协。 利用CO 分子的2.6毫米射电辐射可研究H2分子的分布 * xkong@ * 光学 射电 分子云 质量:3-106 M⊙,直径:~pc,密度:103 -105 cm-3, T~15-50K 占据银盘内~1%的空间,质量大约占星际气体总质量的50% * xkong@ * The evolution of the interstellar gas Driven by star birth and death, the interstellar gas evolves in various forms (eg. supernovae). H II regions. Zones of glowing, ionized hydrogen surrounding young hot stars (O and B stars). 106 MSun in the Galaxy, temperature ~ 104 K, density about 106 H II/m3 H I regions/diffuse neutral clouds. Clouds of cool neutral h
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