
ch9 Electromagnetic induction.ppt

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ch9 Electromagnetic induction

(b) Find an expression for the magnitude E of the induced electric field at points that are outside the magnetic field, at radius r. Evaluate the expression for r = 10.2 cm. Solution: For r = 10.2 cm, E = 0.41 mV/m R O r A plot of the induced electric field R 9-4 Self-Induction When a changing current passes through a coil (or solenoid), a changing magnetic flux is produced inside the coil, and this in turn induces an emf in that same coil. This process is called self-induction, and the emf that appears is called a self-induced emf. Because B ? i, the magnetic flux ?B ? i. Therefore the total magnetic flux N?B through N turns of a coil is given by L is called the self-inductance, or the inductance. Its magnitude depends on the geometry and on the presence of a ferromagnetic material. If the current in a coil changes, an induced emf is given by (self-induced emf) An induced emf ?L appears in any coil in which the current is changing. The direction of a self-induced emf can be found from Lenz’s law. Minus sign indicates: The self-induced emf opposes the change of current in the loop. the SI unit of L: or 1 henry = 1 H = 1 Checkpoint 4 Experiment for self-induction Close the switch K S1 is alight earlier than S2 Open the switch K S1 emits a strong flash Example 9-7 Calculate the self-inductance L of a solenoid containing N turns of wire in a coil of length l and cross-sectional area A. Then find the value of L given that N = 100 turns, l = 3.0 cm, and A = 2.0 cm2. Steps for finding self-inductance (1)Assume carrying current i (2)Determine the magnetic field within the tube (3)Magnetic flux (4)From definition is independent of i l A ?0 Solution: Insert the values for N, l, A, and ?0, L = 84 ?H Example 9-8 A long coaxial cable consists of two thin-walled concentric conducting cylinders with radii R1 and R2. Calculate the self-inductance per unit length of the cable. Solution: We can treat the cable as a single turn coil. The ma


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