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Controllers – 控制器 发表于 2012 年 4 月 16 日 Controllers 控制器 Basic schema of the software functioning consists in calling one of the two main executable PHP files (admin.php or index.php) and further consecutive execution of PHP files implementing the program functionality. 软件运行的基本模式是调用两个主程序PHP文件(admin.php或index.php)之一,然后通过进一步连续执行其它的PHP文件来实现程序功能。 1. index.php 或 admin.php - 2.prepare.php - 3. init.php - 4. [controller_name].php In CS-Cart terms a file connected under number four is named a controller. Data handling in the program is performed in this file – extracting the necessary data from the database, data handling, calculations, transformations, etc. and preparation of the data for further display. 在CS-Cart规则中,上述第4项中被连接的文件被叫做控制器。程序通过这个文件实施数据处理—包括从数据库中提取必要的数据、数据处理、计算、转换等,并为进一步显示准备数据。 A path to the controller and its name are defined by the program automatically based on the value of the “dispatch” parameter, which was passed to the main executable file. The “dispatch” parameter has the following format “[controller_name].[mode_name]“, where “[controller_name]” – is a name of the controller, and “[mode_name]” – mode in which the called controller will work. The name of the called file will be “[controller_name].php”. 通过传递给主程序文件”dispatch”参数的值,程序可以自动定义到控制器的路径和它的名称。”dispatch”参数格式为 “[controller_name].[mode_name]“,其中 “[controller_name]“是控制器名称, “[mode_name]” 为所调用控制器的运行模式。调用的文件名将是”[controller_name].php”。 All controllers for the admin panel (executable file – admin.php) are located in the “/controllers/admin” directory, for the customer area (index.php) – in the “/controllers/customer” directory. If the called controller is not in these directories, then the system tries to launch it from “controllers/common”. This is done for the situations when the same controller is to serve the customer and administrator areas and its function is the same for both areas. 所以针对管理面板(执行文件 – admin.php)的控制器都位于”/controllers/admin”目录,针对客户区域 (index.php)的控制器都位于 “/controllers/customer”目录。如果调用的控制器不在这两个


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