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GRE写作提纲举例的指导 ?  Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.   *部分同意   1、在科学研究结束以前,研究成果对社会的贡献是不确定的,所以不需要太关心   The discovery of electricity is a case in point. When the scientist first found the phenomena of electricity, some reporters asked him to predict the potential use of it. The scientist replied like this: could you predict the contribution of a man when he was just a baby? As time passes, electricity becomes one of the fundamental factors in peoples everyday life in modern world.   2、许多科学家凭自己的兴趣研究,最后成果仍然对社会有益   兴趣激发的研究更有动力,且容易成功   Einstein Albert who simply put his effort in the theoretical physics eventually promoted the advances in natural science. Watt James who just interested in the mechanism of the steam engine eventually propelled the Industrial Revolution in the eighteen century.   3、当然科学家也要考虑到研究对社会可能的影响   纳税人的钱;对社会有危害的研究   And their research should not cause serious problems in society. Clone of Human is an example. Although some scientists have strong interests in cloning human beings, they should not do that, because such research will cause many problems in ethics and morality.   * 学者和研究人员不应该关注他们的工做是否对社会有所贡献; 他们追求自己个人的兴趣更为重要,无论那些兴趣看起来是多么不寻常或者多么特殊。   Précis Syllabus:   许多人认为科学和研究应当为整个社会服务,并根据这个原因得出研究者和学者都应当尽可能的从事相对来说更有利于社会的研究。尽管这个观点表面上看似乎正确,但是争论却因为对于 contribute的这个词的不同看法而引起了,因为在人类社会中并没有统一的标准用来衡量什么学科要比另一些学科 contributes more to the human society. 因此,让科学家们根据自己的兴趣进行研究最最好的解决上述问题的方法。   Many people argue that scholars and researchers should make their contribution to the issues that may contribute most to the human society rather than to select the resear ch fields by their own interest. This statement seems rati onal at first glance; however, an precarious situation has been appeared from the different identifications of the term contributio n because differen


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