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* Polycom has managed to penetrate nearly every industrial sector in China. We have recorded many successes particularly in the Government and telecom sectors. The Ministry of Agriculture are using Polycom products and solutions in 31 provinces while China Unicom uses our products in their IP video conference network which is the largest of its kind in the world. In the Asia Pacific region, hospitals and other healthcare providers are finding the value of using video conferencing for teaching, patient healthcare etc. We believe this sector will become just as important to Polycom in China and we are recording some success in the region but will be trying to gain further traction this year and beyond. Video Conferencing is increasingly being used for distance learning, not just in schools and universities but in major corporations, hospitals and government for training. And with our initiatives to increase regional distribution and working with China UniCom on their Uni-Video project, we intend to penetrate the small and medium enterprise sector. * 听清每一个细节 Siren?22让你感受22kHz最高质量立体声的对话、声音和音乐 StereoSurround? 独立的多通道立体声效果 HDX 数字麦克风阵列提供完美的声音、 360度全方位的覆盖面积和手机信号干扰屏蔽功能 全兼容以往的 VSX system 灵活的应用 多路音频输入输出接口 – 全部支持立体声 I/O 可级联 2 (4) 数字麦克风阵列满足各种大小的会议室需求 连接 Polycom Vortex 满足用户专业化的需求 支持DVD/VCR 和 PC 的立体声音频 采用凤凰头平衡接口,支持幻象供电 充分了解细节,让决策充满信心 完美展现每一个细节 看清每一个手势和表情 通过 内置8方多点模块和最大6M带宽,把各方人员连接在一起进行充分的讨论和决策 一流的视频质量; 最灵活的应用 1Mbps到 4Mbps带宽下提供真正的 30fps 720p的高清视频质量 多路标准的HD 输入输出接口,适用于不同的距离。 256kbps低带宽下具有SD(4CIF)增强的图像效果 每个与会者感受到高品质的会议体验 同时观看演讲者和高质量的演讲内容 基于H.239 标准; 采用高质量H.264 的压缩算法 通过双显仿真在一个屏幕上同时看到高清晰的图像和高清晰的内容 通过 People On Content实现人物和内容的叠加 扣像技术让演讲者和演讲内容融为一体 共享工作的每一个细节,展现你的价值! 通过 5路 HD 视频输入,展现高质量的图像 连接HD 图文摄像机, DVD 播放器等各种外设 展现任何高清晰全运动图像 轻松切换多路高清晰视频 可预设置视频切换 99 本端和远端预置位 – 包含所有的视频输入 计划 设计 网络准备 部署 集成 服务 维护 培训 * Key Point – As the leader in HD solutions, Polycom offers high definition voice, video and content across the entire portfolio. UltimateHD is an experience that will change the


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