fc板材生产线自动控制系统的研英文翻译 毕业设计论文.doc

fc板材生产线自动控制系统的研英文翻译 毕业设计论文.doc

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fc板材生产线自动控制系统的研英文翻译 毕业设计论文

襄 樊 学 院毕业设计论文 题 目 Pressurized fiber floor slab calcium silicate board development course and prospect 加压纤维水泥板硅酸钙板的发展历程与前景展望 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级 0711班 姓 名 赵刚 学 号 指导教师 职 称 吴何畏 副教授 2010年 月 日Pressurized fiber floor slab calcium silicate board development course and prospect ZhuGuZhen/ZhuLingYing First summary The spring of 1983, the provincial, the working document is approved, agreed to 237 retained by local silk export wujiang foreign-exchange quota HuanHui acting money, all Banks, introduce Germany tons of compressor and related equipment and domestic products line, in fixed assets only 1.3 million yuan, self-raised funds only 17 million yuan, not a engineering and technical personnel, annual sales 400 million, impassability highway city to small factory, construction project - the first introduce large county of high strength, large formulated fiber cement building plate face, and production line. In order to improve the introduction of project, the county in industrial enterprises specializing in appointed a factory director, secretary responsible for the production and operation of old product with project planning. County wei secretary and command personally, introduced expert, has established a wujiang county introduced project headquarters. At that time, the factory fire inspired, stir in the building materials industry many experts and scholars, jianguo first building materials department minister - since the silver, pray to local and provincial as many handsome leader to factory inspection, care... . However, project progress to about three quarters of the first time, national macroeconomic control approaches, the original plan bank acting money funds all not count, project without money cannot undertake, plus project design production, when the concrete slab is asbestos for major newspapers, magazines etc domestic news media are in the propaganda; Asbestos cancer people talk about cotton color change, project is still unde


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