ys32液控蝶阀液压站设计 毕业设计论文.docVIP

ys32液控蝶阀液压站设计 毕业设计论文.doc

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ys32液控蝶阀液压站设计 毕业设计论文

YS32液控蝶阀液压站设计 摘 要:液压站又称液压泵站,是独立的液压装置。它按逐级要求供油。并控制液压油流的方向、压力和流量,适用于主机与液压装置可分离的液压机械上。只要将液压站与主机上的执行机构(油缸或油马达)用油管相连,液压机械即可实现各种规定的动作和工作循环。液压站的工作原理:电机带动油泵转动,泵从油箱中吸油供油,将机械能转化为液压站压力能,液压油通过集成块(或阀组合)实现了方向、压力、流量调节后经外接管路并至液压机械的油缸或油马达中,从而控制液动机方向的变换、力量的大小及速度的快慢,推动各种液压机械做功。 Design of Hydraulic Pressure Station for YS32 Hydraulic Controlled Butterfly Valve Abstract: Hydraulic pressure station and say hydraulic pump station, is independent of the hydraulic equipment. It gradually according to supply requirements. And control the direction of the duct, hydraulic pressure and flow, and is suitable for the host and hydraulic device can separate the various hydraulic machinery. Users buy as long as the hydraulic pressure station and after will host of actuators (oil cylinder or the motor oil) connected with oil pipeline, hydraulic machinery can be realized of regulations of action and work cycle.The working principle of the hydraulic pressure station: motor drive pump rotation, pump in the fuel tank oil absorption oil supply, the mechanical energy into hydraulic pressure station pressure, hydraulic oil through the integrated block (or valve combination) to implement the direction,pressure, and flow rate by external pipeline and adjusted to the hydraulic machinery oil cylinder or in the motor oil, so as to control the direction of the liquid motivation of the size and the power transformation, how quickly, promote the various hydraulic mechanical work is done. Key words: Hydraulic controlled; Butterfly valves; Hydraulic station; Regulation; pressure 目 录 摘要 1 关键词 1 1 前言 2 2 概述 2 3 液压缸的设计 2 3.1 工况分析 2 3.2 液压缸主要几何尺寸的计算 3 3.2.1 液压缸内径的确定 3 3.2.2 活塞杆直径的确定与校核 4 3.2.3 液压缸的有效面积 5 3.2.4 液压缸内缸筒的行程 5 3.2.5 液压缸内缸筒的长度 5 3.3 液压缸结构参数的计算 5 3.3.1 缸筒壁厚δ的计算和校核 5 3.3.2 壁厚的计算 5 3.3.3 液压缸的缸筒壁厚的校核 5 3.3.4 液压缸油口直径的计算 6 3.3.5 缸底厚度h的计算 6 3.3.6 缸头与法兰的联结计算 6 3.3.7 缸头厚度h的计算 7 3.3.8 法兰直径和厚度的确定 8 3.3.9 缸盖的联结计算 8 3.3.10 缸头直径和缸盖直径 9 3.3.11 液压缸主要尺寸的确定 9 3.4


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