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大学生是否应该结婚 国家教育局正式通过从今年9月份开始,在校大学生可以在校结婚了.这个事件在学校乃至社会上引起了很大的反响,有赞成的,也有反对的,大学生能不能结婚已经成为一个热门的话题被大家激烈的讨论。 有些人认为大学生结婚是理所当然的。因为,首先,大学生已经达到了国家法定的结婚年龄,国家法定的结婚年龄是男生22,女生20; 其次,既然大家彼此相爱,何必非要等到大学毕业以后呢?结婚以后大家互相扶持,相亲相爱,共同经营这个温馨的小家,可以让两个人早点体验到家庭的温暖与一份持家的艰辛,也未尝不是一件好事啊;再者,现在大学生同居并不鲜见,其实很已与结婚生活无异。与其背地里偷偷摸摸,倒不如为这种生活正名,使其合法化。 当然,也有一些人认为大学生结婚弊大于利。他们认为,虽然大学生可能到了法定的结婚年龄,但是毕竟还年轻,心智还不健全,这么早结婚可能不能够背负成立家庭以后带来的负担和承担自己应服的责任,尤其是男方。另外,根据研究表明,早婚人群的离婚率远远高于晚婚和适龄结婚的人群。这主要是因为他们在结婚之前有欠考虑,完全是一时冲动,结婚以后问题渐渐暴露出来了,变现为对对方的不满,到最后到了难以容忍的地步就只有离婚能解决问题了。 我认为,只要权衡好这之间的利与弊,.... Since September this year, the college students are now allowed to get married in campus, which is declared officially by the National Education Bureau. The results of this issue take a broad influence on the colleges, even on the whole society. Some are in favor of it while some are against it. Whether college students should be allowed to set up a family has become a hot topic to be fiercely argued from then on. Some believe it is reasonable for college students to select marriage in campus. Because, firstly, the college students have reached the national legal ages, 22 for men and 20 for women, for marriage. Secondly, suppose two students are fall in love with each other. Is it necessary for them to struggle to avoid marriage until graduation? The couples are supposed to help each other, love each other and conduct the harmonious little family on their own. All the matters they are faced with will not only help them taste sweet produced by family but also get to know the hardness to sustain a family. Furthermore, college students are usually to be found living together. Such behavior has no difference from those done after marriage. We should rather legalize such behavior than put aside them to happen secretly. However, some think it more negative then positive for college students to get married on campus. In their opinion, the college students, especially male students, are too young and semi-matured to be likely t


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