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第 15 卷第 5 期 2008 年 5 月
体 育 ,,,, 刊 Journal of Physical Education
Vol.15 No.5 May.2008
郑志刚 1,关文明 212
(1.深圳职业技术,,,,院 体育部,广东 深圳 518055;2.华南师范大,,,, 体育科,,,,,,,,院,广东 广州 510631) 摘 要:通过历史回顾,总结、介绍长期以来广大海外华侨、港澳同胞对祖国体育事业大力
支持的动人事例,他们的支持主要表现在 3 方面:第一,优秀体育人才回归,报效祖国;第二, 慷慨解囊,在财力物力上支援体育事业;第三,支持侨乡体育事业,促进群众体育。事实说明, 广大侨胞、港澳同胞与祖国血脉相连,爱国情深,中国体育事业今天如此辉煌,与他们的无私奉 献是分不开的。 关 键 词:中国体育;侨务政策;华侨;港澳台同胞 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2008)05-0047-03 中图分类号:G812.9
Oversea Chinese and compatriots in Hong Kong and Macau vs. the development of sports undertaking of China
ZHEN Zhi-gang1,GUAN Wen-min2
(1.Department of Physical Education,Shenzhen Polytechnic,Shenzhen 518055,China; 2.Shool of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract: By means of historical review and summarization, the authors introduced touching stories about the support given by oversea Chinese and compatriots in Hong Kong and Macau to sports undertaking of China over a long period time. Their support main embody in three aspects: 1)excellent sports talents came back to China to serve the country; 2)they generously aided the sport undertaking financially and materially; 3)they supported sports undertaking of hometowns of oversea Chinese, and promoted mass sports. As proven by facts, a lot of oversea Chinese and compatriots in Hong Kong and Macau are connected to homeland China consanguineously, loving China dearly; such splendid sports undertaking of China as it is today is inseparable from their unselfish contributions. Key words: Chinese sports; policy about oversea Chinese affairs; oversea Chinese; compatriots in Hong Kong and Macau
新中国体育事业的蓬勃发展与巨大成就都是党的 英明领导和人民积极参与的结果,其中,也包括了国 家一系列侨务工作的作用和华侨、港澳同胞对中国体 育事业的支持。认真回顾和总结华侨、港澳同胞对祖 国体育事业的贡献,发扬成绩,克服缺点,对深化体 育改革,增强中华民族凝聚力,把我国建设成为具有 中国特色的社会主义体育强国,有着极为重要的现实 意义。
和祖国感召下,不少华侨、港澳优秀运动员、体育工 作者,抱着报效祖国的意愿,毅然回到大陆,为振兴 中国体育事业做出杰出贡献。例