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The diencephalon 间 脑 I. Position Lies between midbrian and cerebrum大脑 almost entirely surrounded by cerebral hemisphere 大脑半球 II. Subdivision 1. Dorsal thalamus 背侧丘脑 2. Epithalamus 上丘脑 3. Hypothalamus 下丘脑 4. Metathalamus 后丘脑 5. Subthalamus 底丘脑: Dorsal thalamus Functional subdivision According to the function, the thalamus may be divided into the three groups Nonspecific relay nuclei 非特异性中继核 Association nuclei 联络性核群 Special relay nuclei 特异性中继核 Nonspecific relay nuclei 非特异性中继核 a) Midline nucleus group 中线核群 b) Intralaminar nuclear group 板内核群 c) Thalamic reticular nucleus丘脑网状核 Functional subdivision Special relay nuclei 特异性中继核 Ventral anterior nucleus 腹前核 Ventral lateral nucleus 腹外侧核 Ventral Posterior nucleus 腹后核 may be divided into Ventral Posteromedial nucleus 腹后内侧核: Ventral posterolateral nucleus 腹后外侧核 Metathalamus 后丘脑 Lateral geniculate body (LGN) 外侧膝状体 Hypothalamus 下丘脑 Hypothalamus 下丘脑 Preoptic region 视前区 Supraoptic region 视上区 a) Supraoptic nucleus 视上核: produce antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素 (ADH, or vasopression 加压素) b) Paraventricular nucleus室旁核: produce oxytocin催产素。 Tuberal region 结节区 Infundibular nucleus 漏斗核 Mamillary region 乳头体区 Mamillary nucleus 乳头体核 Third ventricle 第三脑室 Hypothalamus --connection Connects with limbic system 边缘系统 Connects with brainstem and spinal cord Connects with dorsal thalamus Connects with hypophysis 垂体 a) Supraoptic nucleus (vasopressin加压素) →supraopticohypophyseal trac →posterior lobe of hypophysis b) Paraventicular nucleus (oxytocin催产素) →paraventriculohypophyseal tract→posterior lobe of hypophysis c) Parvicellular neurons in the arcuate nucleus and nearby region of the walls of the third ventricle secrete releasing and inhibiting hormones → tuberoinfundibular tract →portal vein of hypo


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