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本课时教学目标 1. 语言知识目标: Learn about the development of the first underground. Master some words and phrases. 2. 语言技能目标: Learn how to write a development of something. Develop the skills of reading ,speaking and writing. 3. 学习策略目标: Develop reading skills of skimming and scanning. Learn to grasp the topic sentences and guess the meaning of the unfamiliar words or phrases according to the context. 4. 情感态度目标: Observe the traffic rules, treasure your own life . enjoy some pictures Read the passage part by part, then try to answer the questions. And pay more attention to the useful sentence patterns and phrases. * Fu benjuan No 11middle school of Zibo Do you like traveling? When traveling, what transportations do you choose? motorbike ship car train underground plane What kind of style does the passage belong to? A . Narrative ( 叙事的) B . Argumentative (议论的) C . Explanatory (解释的) D . Expository (说明的) guess Skimming and Scanning Zhao Ning has some difficulties understanding the structure of the brochur. Can you help her? What does each part focus on? _______ why the first underground in the world was developed. Para__ Part 1 Main idea Para (s) Part 1 Reasons _________ and _________ of the first underground system. Paras ____ Part 4 Some ___________of the first underground during the Second World War Para __ Part 3 _____________ of the first underground before the Second World War Paras ___ Part 2 2-4 5 6-7 Developments unusual uses Expansion popularity Careful Reading part one : what’s the feature of the London underground? It has the distinction of being the oldest and most complex underground system in the world. distinction: the quality of being unusual complex: difficult to understand or explain 1.Find the important people who influenced the development of the underground from the brochure. Having seen the situation, a wealt


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