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小学生作文我的家乡石嘴山 智课网IELTS备考资料 石嘴山雅思8分万能作文 雅思写作是雅思考试中比较难搞的一部分,考得雅思写作高分,通常需要扎实的基础和得当的方法,如果考生具备其中之一就有可能考得高分。有时参照优秀范文也可以帮你获得一些高分灵感。下面是智课教育小编为大家整理的石嘴山雅思8分万能作文。 雅思8分范文 Topic:Water resources around the world are falling deficient. Analyze the possible reasons and provide your suggestions. 范文: Access to water is vital to every living creature on the planet. Despite the fact that approximately two thirds of the earth surface is covered with all forms of water bodies, countries worldwide are faced with different levels of water shortages. Some reasons can be cited to explain the emergence of this problem. 前两句简要介绍文章写作背景,第三句既承接前两句又为下面正文做了铺垫,引出下文。作文首段一般需要简要介绍写作背景和简单描述个人立场。 A trigger for water crisis is peoples lack of knowledge of the value of the water. Given the ready availability of water in many countries, people tend to believe that the reserve of water in the world is infinite. Notwithstanding the increased expenditure on water supply, water is perceived as a cheap commodity by many families. Many people see water a perpetual resource. For this reason, the unbridled use of water is commonplace, accelerating the exhaustion of this valuable resource. 第一句话是段落的中心句,后文为展开论述支持论点。第二三四句话讲的是人类对水资源重要性的认识是如何的缺乏,最后一句话是前面论述的逻辑推论,句与句之间逻辑性强, 连接顺畅。 Rapid population growth is another force contributing to the water crisis. Not only does it reduce the amount of water available for manufacture, farming and households, but also has a profound effect on the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems. Massive urban and industrial growth fuels unprecedented demands, often at the expense of aquatic ecosystems. Many water resources are not replenished before being re-used and depleted. 第一句话是段落的中心句。后面的分句逐层论述为什么人口增长助长了水资源危机。使用了not only ……but also 的句式,巧妙地连接两个原因。 Human-induced pollution is worthy of concern as well, a factor regarded by many as the root cause of the rapid loss of drinkable water. The untreated discharge of various pollutants such as heavy metals, organic toxins, oils an


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