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崀山英语导游词 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’m selina, It’s my great honor to be your tour guide. Today we are going to visit Langshan Mountain. Lang Shan Mountain is a national geologic park as well as a national scenic area. It is located in Xining county, southwest part of Hunan province. Legend has it that seeing the picturesque mountains and rivers in Xingning, emperor shun made a stop and marveled at the secenery here. He said that this mountain looks good, so we may name it Lang Shan mountain. That?s how the mountain got its name. Lang Shan Mountain is famous for its unique Danxia landform. Tens of millions of years ago, here was an inland lake. Because of the movements of earth?s crust, the bottom of the lake appeared out of the deep water, which formed the structure of the red sandstone Danxia landform. It is th largest of Chinese Danxia landform. Dear friends, here we are at the Stockaded Village of Cattle Nose. Why was called this name? The fact was that Cattle Nose shaped holes were seen in pairs on the right side of a giant rock in the east. Then The rock was called as the hill of Cattle Nose by local people. During the late Qing dynasty, shidaka, one leader of the Taiping Uprising, led his peasant armies here. In memory of the historical events here, this place was renamed as the Stockaded Village of Cattle Nose.. This huge characters is called “天下第一巷” in chinese, which means it is No.1 lane in the world. They were written by professor Chen Guoda, a famous Chinese geologist, when he made a visit here in 1993. The lane is 0.8 m wide at its widest point and 0.3m wide at its narrowest point. Walking through the lane, you ca


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