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中国学生写作常犯错误分析(1) 1.基础性文法错误 一、拼写,标点以及第三人称单数 在下面的两篇学生写的文字当中,均存在着拼写、标点以及第三人称单数方面的错误,请认真检查并予以纠正: (1) Saying “No” Why someone don’t say “no” when they ought to say “no”? I think he do not refuse other’s suggestion or advise. Because they are good friends. He has to obey his friends application. If he say “no”, his friends will be badness. Even his friend will turn angry. But I must say that it is harmless for you that you don’t say “no”. For example, your friend ask you to help him to do steel something. At this time, if you don’t say “no”, you will break the law and be arrested by police. How foolish you have done. Above all, I must say “no” when I should say “no”. I must be an honest man. I can’t break the role of society. And I will tell him the reason why I say “no”. (2) Saying “No” At present, there is a strange sense in our society. One should saying no, but he or she did not say. Why? I think the most important reasons is shame. Sometimes our classmates or friends want our helpness and their requests are out of our ability. In that case, we should say “no”, but a few of people often think that it is a bad thing for their friends, and even influence their friendship and so on. In fact, it is nothing difficult to say “no”. When you refuse your friends. He or she will not get angry with you. Oppositely, he or she will thought you are true person and trust you. On the other hand, saying “no” in the propery occasion will reduce lots of problems. So saying “no” when you want to say. 二、自造词语与不区分词的细妙含义 有的考生在写作的时候喜欢即兴发挥,在还不很了解英语构词的基础上就开始自己依据有限的词汇知识创造词语或者是词语的用法,结果往往使人哭笑不得。 比如: (1) Why are there so many fake commodity? The answer is very simple: the men who make them can earn a lot of money. But they may have not thought about the disutility to others. (2) Above all, I think reading books ought to select. Because our time is unenough. 许多中国学生在学习英语单词的时候喜欢将意义相关或者相近的单词一起记,却不仔细区分它们之间的细微区别和用法上的不同。 比如: (1) I think they should believe in their own ability ra


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