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Techniques and Skills in English-Chinese Translation Negative and Affirmative Affirmative Negative Disregard 忽视 不顾,不理 Careless 粗心,疏忽 不细心 Deny 拒绝相信 不接受 Dying 奄奄一息的 还没咽气的 Equally good 同样好 不相上下 Keep at it 继续干下去 不要放弃 Free from mistake 正确 无误 The match is going on. A:比赛还在继续。N:比赛还没完。 Never is a long word. A:坚持干到底。N:不要说不干了。 He does not find himself. A: 他甚感茫然。N: 他很不得志。 There is no problem now. A:现在稳拿了。N: 现在没问题了。 It’s no less than cheating. A:这简直是诈骗。N: 这无异于诈骗。 Affirmative Negative 外乡人 a stranger not a native 失业 lose one’s job; out of work unemployed 丢人 lose face be disgraced 不慌不忙 leisurely unhurriedly 鼠目寸光 only see under one’s nose cannot see an inch beyond one’s nose 请坐! Take a seat please. Won’t you take a seat? 别客气。 Make yourself at home. Don’t stand on ceremony. Affirmative English into negative Chinese: 1.英语中一个表示肯定意思的词或句子,汉语用正译不能表达意思时,就必须用反译的方式。 The old man lay awake almost the whole night. 老人躺着, 几乎一夜没合眼。 The love of parents for their children is perfect and minute. 父母对其子女的爱是无微不至的。 All good things must come to an end. 天下没有不散的宴席。 I am a Dutchman if I lie. 我要是撒谎就不是人。 Students are still coming. 学生还没有到齐。 The name slipped from my memory. 我记不起这个名字了。 He failed to appreciate my kindness. 他不识抬举。 The news media were barred from the party. 没有允许媒体采访这次聚会。 There are faults from which none of us are free. 有些错,谁也免不了(要犯)。 He will die of hunger before he will steal. 他宁可饿死, 也不会去偷窃。 The spectacle was so dazzlingly beautiful that it beggared description. 这场面另人眼花缭乱, 美得无法形容。 2.在英语中,有时一个句子的意思是否定的或接受否定,但是为了婉转的缘故,常用肯定时来表达,我们翻译成汉语时则用否定式,例如: He is little more than a child. 他不过还是个孩子。


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