F1_Franklin_and_the_Copycat 小乌龟学美语文本.doc

F1_Franklin_and_the_Copycat 小乌龟学美语文本.doc

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F1_Franklin_and_the_Copycat 小乌龟学美语文本

Franklin and the Copycat 富兰克林和抄袭者 你是最棒的。 You’re the best. 那些云是我的。 Those are my clouds! 我要坐在窗子边。 I’m going to sit by the window. 那是秘密。 It’s a secret. 小兔,你是个抄袭鬼! Rabbit, you’re a copycat! 我怎么能那样说呢? Why did I say that? 我也是个抄袭鬼。 I’m a copycat too. 嗯,我想和你谈一谈。 Well, I wanted to talk to you. Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经学会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。 He could read stories and he could draw the most colourful clouds in his class. 他会读故事,也能画出班里最漂亮的云朵。 But one day, someone drew colourful clouds that looked just like Franklin’s. 但是有一天,有个小朋友画了很漂亮的云,看起来和富兰克林的很像。 Wow. 哇哦。 Great clouds Franklin. 富兰克林,这云画得真好。 Thanks. 谢谢。 They’re my sunset clouds. 我画的是日落晚霞。 Okay, let’s see these clouds. 好吧,我们来看看这些云。 Oh…they are good. 哦……很不错啊。 What are? 什么不错? Ooooo, fancy clouds Franklin. 哦,富兰克林,多美丽的云啊。 I only know how to make big, fat, white ones. 我只会画肥肥大大的白云朵。 Me too. 我也是。 I wish I could do clouds like yours. 真希望我也能画出你这样的云。 Well, you’ve got to know when to change from the orange crayon to the purple one, so it’s kind of tricky. 嗯,你得学会该在什么时候把桔色变成紫色,这需要技巧。 Hmm… 嗯…… Yeah! 是啊! Hey guys… 大家好…… What else should I put in my picture? 我该再加点什么在我的画上呢? Well uh, if you want it to look more like a lollipop, you could put a swirl in the middle. 哦,如果想让它看起来更像棒棒糖,得在中间加一个圈儿。 That’s not even what it is. 根本就不是什么棒棒糖。 Yeah, Franklin. 是啊,富兰克林。 Can’t you tell it’s a balloon? 难道你看不出来这是个气球吗? It’s not a balloon either. 也不是气球。 Bear, you know what it’s supposed to be, don’t you? 小熊,你知道它是什么,对吧? Uh…a magnifying glass? 呃……一个放大镜? It’s a flower. 是一朵花。 Ahhh! 啊! Oh yeah. 哦,是的。 Um, that’s what it is. 嗯,就是朵花。 I can’t even draw a flower. 我连花都不会画。 Sure you can. 你当然会画。 You just have to add more parts. 只需要再加点儿东西。 What kind of parts? 什么东西? You know, flower parts… 你知道,花儿的东西…… I’ll show you. 我画给你看看。 There. 就是这样。 That looks good Franklin. 看起来真不错,富兰克林。 Would you like some sunset clouds in your picture, Skunk? 你想加点儿晚霞在你的画上吗,臭鼬? Okay! 好的! I start my sunset clouds with an orange crayon. 我画晚霞先用桔色。 Thanks Franklin! 谢谢你,富兰克林! You’re t


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