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希望对大家英语六级有用 本文由pchu123贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 英语考试剩5分钟还两篇阅读没做怎么办?!绝对实用秘典~ 英语考试剩 分钟还两篇阅读没做怎么办?!绝对实用秘典 分钟还两篇阅读没做怎么办?!绝对实用秘典 的日志 来源: 朱怡丞 Ci 很多同学抱怨考试后半部分时间太紧 经常会出现还有两篇或一篇阅读没做的时候就只剩下5分钟了!! ! 由于阅读分值非常大,很容易让人立刻崩溃 如果考场上出现这种情况,千万不要慌张!! !! 冷静的使用下面介绍的---死亡拯救法,可将正确率提高至50%以上! ! 不看文章,直接作题 第一篇: 阅读理解题答案项特征 通过研究历届阅读理解题,我们发现,在所列出的四个选项中,也有一些普遍性规律可循。 如果考生了解、熟悉并掌握了这些规律,他(她)们就可以找到做题时的第六感觉,达到所 谓超常发挥的水平。 如果考生来不及看文章, 万般无奈下凭这些规律可以选中不少正确选项。 (一)答案项中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案项。这些语气词有: must, always, never, the most, all, only, have to, any, no, very completely, none, hardly 等。 例 (1) One of the great changes brought about by the knowledge society is that .(1995年6月) A. the difference between the employee and the employer has become insignificant. B. peoples traditional concepts about work no longer hold true. C. most people have to take part-time jobs. D. people have to change their jobs from time to time. (分析:四个选项中,C、D 两项中都含有have to,语气太绝对化,一般被排除。考生在剩 下两项中进行选择,就大大降低了难度。) 例(2) The main idea of this passage is that .(1991年) A. better use of green space facilities should be made so as to improve the quality of our life. B. attention must be directed to the improvement of recreative possibilities. C. the urban environment is providing more recreation activities than it did many years ago. D. priority must be given to the development of obligatory activities. (分析:B、D 两项中均有 must be,语气太绝对化,故一般被排除。考生结合短文内容在剩下 两项中进行选择,命中率就极高了。) (二)选项中含有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。这些语气词有: can, could, may, should, usually, might, most(大多数),more or less, relatively, be likely to, possible, whether or, not necessarily 等。 例(1) It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes .(1999年6月 A. Americans are more ambitious than people in other countries B. in many countries success often depends on ones social status C. American businesses are more democratic than those in other countries D. businesses in other countries are not as competitive as those in America (分析:选项 B 中


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