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A London Florist 伦敦一位鲜花店的老板 The script of this programme Yang Li: 大家好我是杨莉,欢迎收听《都市掠影》节目。 Who do you think are the most romantic people in the world? The French, the Italians or the Chinese? In fact a lot of people here believe that the British are much more romantic than people think they are. Let’s meet one whose job is to help people’s romantic relationships, a florist. 我采访了一位鲜花店老板 Adrian Shaw. 这个节目是为帮助大家提高听力的,所以我首先提两个笼统的问题,测试大家的总体理解力,后面我再提两个具体问题,测试重点词汇。Now here are the two general questions: Adrian 喜欢自己的工作吗? 他喜欢同顾客打交道吗? Insert Adrian wouldn’t trade his job for anything else in the world. Hi my names Adrian and Im a florist here in Hammersmith in London. Ive been doing this for quite a number of years. Originally when I did start I only imagined myself doing this for a few months while I was looking for another contract – as I used to work in the corporate environment – but I fell in love with flowers. And I think the attraction to this is being able to spend time with lots of different kinds of people that we have in our London culture, from just the housewife all the way through to executives in the city – and even, on occasion, the odd film star who buys flowers off us as well. There are moments when youll have the oddest of conversations with people who youve only just met. On one occasion there was a woman who was speaking of saying goodbye to her partner. And as we sold flowers I turned her frown into a smile and by the end of the conversation she walked away happy with her flowers and went home. It was only weeks later that I discovered – by a letter that she sent me, and a gift to say thank you for the conversation – that she told me she was getting married and having a baby with the same person. Most men buy roses. You will find that classically about 70% of my clientele – my customers – are women. When it comes to the female customers, theyll buy a whole myriad of flowers but guys cannot help themselves – most times theyll


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