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Abstract: Vocabulary teaching is an integral part of high school English teaching. Therefore, how to teach and study vocabulary from the perspective of cognitive grammar theory, u and to improve high school English vocabulary teaching methods in order to enable students to master more effective English vocabulary learning strategies is a research project that has far-reaching significance. This paper attempts to proceed from the analysis of cognitive grammar theory, the theory of cognitive grammar, the Lan Gaike syntax theory and the theory of value, as well as the cognitive approach to vocabulary teaching, to explore the purpose of teaching high school English vocabulary, under the guidance of the theory of cognitive grammar, task and difficult, the cognitive theory in the teaching of English vocabulary and emphasis on core vocabulary learning, attention to clusters learning, emphasis on vocabulary and sentence practice, attention to paraphrase analytical vocabulary learning, and improve the efficiency of the high school English vocabulary teaching . Jiangsu Province Qidong Middle School, for example, the analysis of the current status of teaching high school English vocabulary, currently teaching high school English vocabulary at the same time were excellent, and disadvantage analysis aims to analyze the problem based on the proposed Vocabulary Learning strategy, in order to prepare a better application of the the Lan Gaike syntax theoretical guidance for high school English vocabulary teaching practice.
Keywords: theory of cognitive grammar; teac
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