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Model Test One Part III Listening Comprehension (35minutes) Section A 11. A .He has edited three books. B. He has bought the wrong book. C. He has lost half of his money. D. He has found the book that will be used. 12. A. She doesn’t get what she wanted. B. She is given a vegetable salad. C. She finds the fruit not fresh enough. D. She has been overcharged. 13.A. She hasn’t learned French. B. She can speak several foreign languages including French. C. She can speak both German and French. D. She speaks neither French nor German. 14. A. The man thinks the woman is wasting her time. B. The man thinks the woman should save her time. C. The man is eager to know the woman’s answer. D. The man can wait and the woman need not hurry. 15. A. Make a compromise with his partner. B. Meet his partner in the mid-town. C. Change a partner. D. Ask the teacher for advice. 16. A. His computer doesn’t work well. B. He isn’t getting along with his staff. C. He didn’t register for a proper course. D. He can’t apply the theory to his program. 17. A. She has bought a new one. B. She has none at present. C. She has only an old one. D. Her sister has given her one. 18. A. The clothes to wear. B. The warm weather. C. Best material for making clothes D. A bright shirt. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A. Their lecture notes B. The man’s election plans C. Putting up posters D. The campus radio station 20. A. School senator B. School treasurer C. School secretary D. School president 21. A. In the morning B. During lunch C. In the afternoon D. During dinner 22. A. He will make posters B. He will write a speech C. He will answer questions. D. He will study chemistry. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. A. Giving a lecture B. Discussing political science C. Working on a science problem D. Reading twentieth-century literature 24. A. Tellin


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