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我的新年计划初二英语作文 我的新年计划英语作文一 a new year ,a new start, when i stand on the edge of the a new year, i cant help thinking about my plan of next year. just as the old saying:well began is the half of the success.so i decide that i should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,im quicker than the others and of course i will get better result than the others. but ,what i really decide to do is that i must make good of anytime i can spare though it seems impossible. while, i will do my best to live up with what i have planned, and the result will prove it. 译文: 新年开始之际,我不由思索我的新年计划,老话说,好的开始是成功的一半,所以我决定当别人在休息的时候,开始工作学习,我动作快,当然比别人做的更好,我下决心我会充分利用分配的时间,尽最大能力完成自己的计划。 我的新年计划英语作文二 firstly,i decide to try my best to learn english .because my english so poor that it affects my other subject.i willface many differences ,such as broadening my vocabulary, training my listening ,improving my write and so on. i must work hard because i dont want to behind the times. secondly ,i will give up watching football games because every time it takes me two hours ,which makes me not finish my homework .as a student ,study is our duty ,so i wii focused more on study and less on playing . in order to my future ,i will work hard. 译文: 14年结束了,15年来了,在新的一年里,我有很多愿望要实现,因为新年意味着一件又一件的事情接踵而来,为了使新年更加完美,我们需要制定计划,我制定的新年新计划如下: 首先,我决定我尽最大努力学习好英语,因为我的英语成绩差,影响到我的其他科目,我将坦诚面对,比如扩大词汇量,训练听力,提高写作能力等。我一定努力做功课,因为我不想被时间落下。 以上这篇我的新年计划英语作文就为您介绍到这里,希望它对您有帮助。如果您喜欢这篇文章,请分享给您的好友。 篇二:New years resolutions新年计划作文八年级上 New Year’s Resolutions New Year is coming. I have many great New Year’s resolutions. I will study math harder than before because I want to get better grades. I’m going to improve my spoken English because I want communicate with foreigners better in English. I plan to learn German because I really want to travel to Germany by myself. And I’m going to learn a new instrument, it may be guitar. As for friends, I’m going to make more good friends. Because I think frie


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