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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题目: 基于PLC的住宅小区立体停车设备的设计 (英文): Based on PLC of the cubic garage design 基于PLC的住宅小区立体停车设备的设计 摘要 随着中国经济的快速发展,车辆的急剧增加和新的停车场不断新建,以往的单平面停车场被认为不能满足越来越多的停车位需求的住宅小区。立体车库可以有效解决住宅小区停车难的问题,而其中升降横移式立体车库又是立体车库的最重要方式之一。本论文在分析了各种立体车库的运行原理及特点的基础上,基于住宅小区的实际情况,在地面部上采用平面停车场、二维和三维升降横移式立体车库相结合的方式构建成住宅小区的停车场。本文研究的重点在于住宅小区地面停车场中立体车库部分,研究的主要内容为: (1)分析住宅小区3D车库的重要性,立足于3D车库的实际情况建立地面区域2D和3D相结合的升降横移式立体车库 (2)介绍升降横移式立体车库的软硬件系统,并对软硬件系统进行分析选择。 (3)通过组态王对控制系统进行仿真,实现对小区立体停车场控制系统的监控。 关键词:立体车库;可编程控制器;组态软件;模拟仿真 Based on PLC of the cubic garage design ABSTRACT With the rapid development of Chinas economy, and with the sharp increasing and the new parking building ever new, ever single plane parking lot is considered not to meet the growing number of residential area parking needs. Parking garage can effectively resolve the residential area parking problems, which lifting and transferring garage is one of the most important ways dimensional garage. In this paper, based on the analysis of a variety of 3D garage operation principle and characteristics, based on the actual situation in the residential district, on a planar face in the parking lot to construct a two-dimensional and 3D lifting and transferring a combination of garage residential parking. This paper focuses on residential areas in the 3D ground parking garage section ,and the content is as follows: 1. Analysis on the importance of 3D garage to residential areas, and the establishment of 2D and 3D garage mold on underground area basing on the real situation of 3D garage and the basis of up-down and parallel transferring 3D garage. 2. Introduction the garage hardware and software systems of lifting and transferring, and then selecting it’s hardware and software system for analysis and. 3. Simulation of the control system by KingView, realizing the making of monitoring picture of the control system in parking lots in residential areas. Key words:the 3D garage ;Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) ;t


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