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Lesson 23 Letters of Thanks of Sympathy 第二十三课 感谢信和慰问信 After studying this chapter, you will be able to: Recognize letters of thanks and of sympathy Use appropriate formats and sentences 感谢信是为了感谢其它企业或者个人对我方的业务支持、协助而写的礼仪信函。 与致辞、贺信等等一样,感谢信函的公关功能要比商务内容大得多。 西方的通常做法,逢年过节,或者客户向你或者公司提了建议、善意的批评,或者时机恰当,都会寄出书面的致谢信,向对方的长期合作、支持、甚至正常的订货、付款等业务活动表示感谢。 也正是因此,感谢信函经常与贺信揉到一起写。 如今打电话的确方便,但是如果事件较大、场合正式,打过电话依然需要撰写书面的感谢辞,寄送方式当然可以利用电子邮件。 感谢信的写作格式与一般信函大同小异。 感谢信的特点主要体现在内容的组织结构上: 说明感谢谁,因而对方的姓名、称呼、职务必须具体、明确 概括具体事情,务必让对方明白说的是哪件事 一定要说明对方的帮助产生了什么样的效果和客观影响 把表示感激的话说出来,不要含蓄 热情赞扬对方的协助精神,适当应用一些套语 不必沿用汉语同类文本的套路,即不要表示“向你学习”、“以后厚报”之类 文字要精炼,表达应清晰、准确、客观,篇幅应当短小 感谢、赞扬时,尽量要恰当得体,体现出真诚的感谢之情 感谢信函的主要信息是表达感谢和感激的心情,不要牵扯其它内容。 例 Dear Sally, Our anniversary would not have been complete without the beautiful card you sent. Thank you for remembering us and for the sentiments, which Willie and I know come from the heart. We look forward to seeing you again soon. Yours ever, Petite 例 Dear Sirs, We appreciate the business opportunities you have offered us during the past year, and before the next busy season is here, we would like to thank you in writing for your cooperation. Your patronage has been of great help to us at a time when we had some difficulties in the Latin American markets. We hope you will continue to give us the opportunity to serve you. Yours sincerely, 例 Dear President, Thank you for your kindness in providing the magnificent dinner to us last evening. On our side we all found the discussions before the dinner extremely helpful, and I hope that you share my thoughts. I am sure that we will forge happy relationship between our two companies in future years. Sincerely yours, 例 Dear Mr. Paul Downs: Our visit to your company and your country is drawing to a close and we are leaving for China shortly. On the eve of our departure, it gives me great pleasure to write to you on behalf of my colleagues and myself to say “Thank you”. W



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