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5 January 1914 owing to the apparent unanimity among both great parties that the drafting of the constitution must precede the election,as otherwise it was said that there would be a risk of the president抯 compelling parliament ot draft a constiution on lines acceptable to himself. 1914年1月5日,因为两大党派明显的全体一致,起草宪法必须先于选举进行。另外,据说总统强行对抗议会起草宪法对其本身的可行性来说也是一种风险。 Even journals commonly reported to be in receipt of subsidies from Yuan Shih-K’ai emphasised the necessity of proc- -eeding leisurely to prepare a definitive constitution , while and the present premier ,Hsiung Hsi-ling , who later changed has oppession,telegrapped from Jehol where he was then governor,warmly espousing this contention. 甚至记者经常报导所接收的补助是来自袁世凯的,强调尽快准备一个确定性的宪法的必要性。并且现任的总理Hsiung Hsi-ling,在他掌政时也是非常赞同这个决定的。 The outbreak of the rebellion on the Yangtise afforded Yuan the desired opportunty to enforce his will on parliament ,he was never under the least anxiety regarding the issue ,for he knew that he possessed sufficiency of funds to buy over the rebel soldiery. 杨子江上爆发的叛乱对袁世凯来说是更加有利的机会使他坚定了在议会上的决定,他从不曾对这个决定有忧虑,因为他知道他拥有足够的资金购买叛军。 Various members of parliament had compromised themselves with the rebels ,and under instructions from the president(though as usual he disav- -owed all knowledge of the matter when challenged for an explanat- -tion)sight were arrested by the military court on t he charge of fomenting rebellion. 各议会成员已经向叛乱妥协,并且由于煽动叛乱而在总统的指令下被军事法庭逮捕(尽管他在所有要求解释的事实压力面前进行了否认、拒绝) This action was sufficient to strike terror into the Kuomintang,which realized its helplessness against Yuan抯 overpowering force and publicly admitted the necessity of recasting its whole policy. The result was soon apparent .The new election for Speaker of the Senate (necessitated by the(usigualion fo the)former occupant of the chair owing to sympathy with the rebels )resulted in a substantial majority for Yuan抯 candidate. 这种行为足以使国民党意识到面对袁的压倒性的力量其是多么的无助,从而引起国民党的恐惧,并且公开承认重铸整体政策纲领的必要性。结果很快就显而易见了。新的竞选中对于议会的发言人(因为前任主席对叛乱的同情心使其成为


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