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精读三阅读理解 Passage 31 Robert Bruce was a famous Scottish general. In the early 14th century he tried to drive the English out of Scotland, but he was not successful because the English were too strong. Finally, Bruce had to run away and hide in a cave. 1. Who was Robert Bruce? 2. Why did Bruce hide in a cave? 3. In the beginning he broke the spider web just because______. 4. How many times did he break the web altogether? 5. The way the spider kept making its web encouraged Bruce to _____. 答案:1-5: BACCA Passage 32 The weather seems to be everybodys favorite topic of conversation in Britain. This is not because the weather is particularly exciting, or even because people are particularly interested in it, but because people have to talk about something and the weather serves as a convenient subject. Its something everybody shares and its a safe topic, not too personal or intimate (亲密的). 1. Everybody in Britain is fond of talking about weather because _________. 2. The word unpredictable(in Line 1, Paragraph 2) means ________. 3. The author points out that _________. 4. According to the last paragraph, some visitors wrong impression is that ________. 5. The passage mainly talks about _________. 答案:1-5: :DACBC Passage 33 A man came into a pet shop carrying a parrot in a bird cage. I want to return this bird. he said. The owner guessed the man came to complain that the bird couldn’t talk. Sir, he said, We guarantee that all our parrots can talk. However, we cant guarantee when they will talk. It’s all spelled out on your sales receipt. 1. A man came into a pet shop to _____。 2. The owner thought the man came probably because ______. 3. The customer disliked the parrot because of _____. 4. The parrot kept silent for _____. 5. In the parrot’s answer, _____ hurt the customer very much. 答案: 1-5: CBABD Passage 34 A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco. Mom and Dad, Im coming home


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