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Athens Institute for Education and Research Home The Institute Organizational Structure Research Divisions Units Conferences Publications Membership Academic Village Contact Join us on Facebook Home Page 2016 Conferences ?Health Conference Provisional List 15th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management Policy, 20-23 June 2016, Athens, Greece Provisional List of Papers Accepted and Registered to be Presented Listed by Presenters Surname and Other Attendees Note: This list includes only those who have registered for the conference i.e. those who have paid the registration fee . It does not include those who have received an acceptance letter but who have not yet sent in their registration form. The list will be updated weekly. Date of this list: June 8, 2016 *Mohammad Abdullah, Research Associate, University of Manitoba, Canada, Stephanie Jew, Research Coordinator, University of Manitoba, Canada Peter Jones, Director and Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada. Socioeconomic Analysis Reveals Significant Healthcare Cost Savings from Intakes of Monounsaturated Fatty Acid the United States. *Abdulfatah Adam, Ph.D. Student, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Sinne Smed, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The Effects of Different Types of Taxes on Soft-Drink Consumption. Manhal Ali, Ph.D. Student, University of Manchester, U.K., Reza Salehnejad, Lecturer, University of Manchester, U.K. Mohaimen Mansur, Lecturer, University of Manchester, U.K. Hospital Heterogeneity: What Determines the Quality of Care? Monday June 20, 2016 Tata Chanturidze, Principal Consultant, Health Policy and Financing, Oxford Policy Management, U.K. Antonio Duran, Principal Consultant, Health Service Governance, Organization and Purchasing, Andalusian School of Public Health, Spain. Aligning Financing, Governance and Service Delivery to Build Up Better Health Systems, the Kazakhstan Reform Experience. Tuesday June 21, 2016 Kateryna C


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