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金融控股公司旗下銀行與非金控銀行之競爭優勢分析 Competitive Advantage of Banks under Financial Holding Company and Local Independent Banks 劉芬美12,范佳珉1, 張家蓉1,張謹安1, 黃立佳1 1元培科技大學企業管理系 2元培科技大學財務金融系 摘要台灣自2001年通過「金融控股公司法」,金控公司旗下銀行因而擁有規模經濟的優勢,對一般銀行帶來強大的威脅。本研究在資源基礎理論的架構下,探討金控旗下銀行與一般銀行之競爭優勢來源是否有差異。本研究以新報資料庫提供之金控非金控共23家銀行為樣本,以股權報酬率作為競爭優勢之指標,運用財務比率分析銀行之優勢資源與管理能力,先以因素分析將具共線性的財務比率萃取出共同因素,再以複回歸分析法確認各個共同因素對股權報酬率的解釋能力,最後區別分析檢測結果顯示,金控與非金控銀行之競爭優勢來源並無顯著差異,故建議非金控銀行欲在競爭激烈之環境下生存,宜採用合併或策略聯盟等策略,俾擴大規模降低營運費率以提升競爭力。 關鍵詞︰金融控股公司、資源基礎觀點、原素分析、區別分析 AbstractSince the Financial Holding Company Act brought into practice in 2001 the multi-integrated financial services have brought the financial holding companies the advantage in economic scale and have threatened the local independent banks in Taiwan. We use 12 banks under the financial holding companies and 11 local independent banks provided by the TEJ database as samples to explore their sources of competitive advantage. The return on equity is used as the provision of competitive advantage. Nine financial ratios are used to indicate the resource bundles and managing capabilities of the banks. Three factors were extracted from the nine financial ratios with multicolinearity. Multiple regression analysis has verified the relationship between the common factors and the competitive advantage of banks. However, discriminant analysis shows that the difference of sources of competitive advantage between banks under financial holding companies and those of the independent banks is insignificant. The results reveal that the independent banks should seek merge or strategic alliance opportunities to enlarge their economic scale and decrease operating costs in order to compete with the banks under financial holding companies. Keywords: Financial Holding Company、Resources Based View、Factor Analysis, Discriminant Analysis 通訊作者:范佳珉、Fan chia-min;元培科技大學企業管理系學生、Student, Department of Business Adminiseration,Yuanpei University,地址:花蓮縣吉安鄉永興村國興街17號、、電話:0座机电话号码5。 1.前言 台灣於


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