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初一英语任务型阅读试题解析              撰稿:王燕   审稿:周可勇   责编:牛新阁 任务型阅读的要求: 内容解读:   任务型阅读是一种考察阅读能力的方式,主要是提供一篇文章,要求学生根据文章提供的信息,按照指令去完成一系列任务。 能力解读:   考查对文字材料的理解能力。通过获取信息,来解决实际问题,考查学生综合运用英语知识的能力及创新能力。 任务解读:   如何完成任务型阅读?首先要解读任务的指令,根据指令要求完成任务。 解读任务的指令   Ⅰ. 一般疑问句,可以用Yes或No来解答。例如:   阅读短文,回答问题。   It is hard to make friends if you stay home alone all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with other people. Join a club or play a sport. Attend meetings or other groups. It’s easier to make friends when you have similar interests.   1. Is it difficult to make friends if you stay home alone all the time?      Yes .   2. Is it impossible to make friends when you have similar interest?      No .   这两个指令的任务很明确,用Yes或No来完成。关键要理解hard 和difficult的意思,impossible 是possible的反义词。   Ⅱ. 选择疑问句,不能使用Yes或No来回答。关键抓住or前后的内容,带回原文,根据关键信息做出正确选择。例如:   阅读短文,回答问题。   Look at people in the eye when you talk to them. That way, they’ll find it easier to talk to you.   It is very difficult to have a conversation with people whose eyes are looking to the left, to the right, or at the floor. People may think you’re not interested in them and may stop being interested in you.   1. Do you think he is interested in you or not if someone looks to the left or right while     talking to you?      Not interested .   2. Is it easier or harder to have a conversation with people whose eyes are looking to the     left or right?      Harder .   Ⅲ. 特殊疑问句,抓住关键词——特殊疑问代词或疑问副词,明确任务指令。例如:   阅读短文,回答问题。   Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about “me, me, me.”   Ask lots of questions and show an interest in their answers.   1. What can help you if you ask people to talk about themselves when talking to them?      To be a good listener .    2. What can you do if you want to be a good listener?      Let people talk about themselves, ask lots of questions and show an interest in their     answers.  二、疑问代词和疑问副词   初中一年级(上)要求学生应该掌握英语的下面的疑问代词或副词的词义及用法。   what、who、whose、which、whom等被称为


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