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对食品添加剂的看法和态度 近年来,国内外由于食品添加剂引发的食品安全问题层出不穷,接连不断曝光的三鹿奶粉中的三聚氰胺、面粉中的增白剂、甲醛啤酒等事件触动了消费者敏感的神经,部分企业或个体经营者在生产中超标使用食品添加剂,甚至违法使用有毒有害物质,使食品的安全风险大大增加,食品添加剂便成为了人们茶前饭后的热门话题。In recent years, domestic and foreign, as food additives food safety problems caused by endless successive exposure of melamine in Sanlu milk powder, flour brightener, formaldehyde beer events touched the sensitive nerve of consumers, some companies or individual operators in the production of excessive use of food additives, or even illegal use of toxic and hazardous substances, so that greatly increases the risk of food safety, food additives, it has become a hot topic of tea before the meal. 不管怎样,食品添加剂已成为我们生活中不可避免的一部分,出现在大多数的食品中 ,我们又以一种什么样的态度对待食品添加剂问题呢。 In any case, food additives has become an inevitable part of our lives, in most of the food, what kind do we have attitudes towards food additives problem then. 根据我国最新的《食品安全法》规定, 食品添加剂是指用于改善食品品质、延长食品保存期、便于食品加工和增加食品营养成分的一类化学合成或天然物质。 According to Chinas new Food Safety Law stipulates that food additives is to improve food quality, extend shelf life of food, easy food processing and food nutrients to increase a class of synthetic or natural material. 食品添加剂是为改善食品色、香、味等品质,以及为防腐和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的化合物质或者天然物质。 Food additives is to improve food color, smell, taste and other qualities, and for the preservation and processing needs of the compounds added to food quality or natural material. 食品添加剂主要作用有 : 改善食品品质 , 提高食品质量 , 满足人们对食品风味、色泽、口感的要求 : 提高食品的加工效率 , 使食品加工制造工艺更合理、更卫生、更便捷 ; 防止食品腐败变质 , 延长食品保质期 , 减少损失 , 在极大提高食品品质和档次的同时 , 为消费者提供各种各样价格合理、品质稳定的食物。 Major role in food additives are: to improve food quality, improve food quality, meet people for food flavor, color, taste requirements: to improve the efficiency of food processing, food processing and manufacturing technology to make more rational, more health, more convenient; prevent food spoilage to extend food shelf life, reduce losses, improve food quality and in great grades, while providing consumers with a variety of reaso


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