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雅思口语part2模板参考。我们都知道,family business,家族企业,作为雅思口语题目是颇有难度,往往是因为同学们在准备雅思口语考试时,对于这个话题找不到思路。 雅思口语模板Part 2Family Business问题 Describe a family business you know. You should say: What this business is How you know it What kind of people their customers are And explain why this business is successful. 雅思口语模板Part 2 Family Business 答案一 Example : Ok then, well I’m not actually that familiar with many family businesses, but one that I do know a bit about is a company which a neighbour of mine set up together with his wife, so that’s what I’d like to talk to you about. And regarding what their company does, well to put it simply, it manufactures clothes, which they then export to places like Europe and America. And they seem to be doing pretty well, because a few years ago they were a pretty small operation and didn’t even make the clothes themselves. I mean, to begin with, they were just a trading company, so they would take orders from customers overseas, and then find a suitable supplier here in China to make the order. But after doing this for a while,they became big enough that they started producing everything themselves. And if I’m not mistaken, they’ve now even created their own brand instead of just making clothes for other brands. So you know, I really admire them for being able to achieve all this, and as for how they’ve been so successful, well Idon’t know for certain, because I’ve never really asked them, but from what I know of them as people, I would say much of their success is down to fact that they’re both incredibly nice. Cos I mean, they treat everyone they meet really well, which I’m sure also includes all their staff and customers. And this is bound to have helped their business grow. Of course there are also other reasons for their success, but this is all I can think of right now. …is down to fact that… …归结为… Cos because spoken English bound to (对某事并不确定或无确凿证据时,认为其)肯定会,确定是 If you say that something is bound to happen or be true, you feel confident


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