7 Analysis of Evaporationppt.ppt

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7 Analysis of Evaporationppt

Analysis of Evaporation Basic Calibration Workshop March 10-13, 2009 LMRFC Analysis of Evaporation Definition of Terms Potential Evaporation (PE): The evaporation from a well wetted (i.e., moisture supply is not limiting the evaporation), actively growing grass surface. PE rate is calculated from current met. conditions: temp, humidity, wind, radiation, etc. Free Water Surface Evaporaton (FWS) Evaporation from a water surface with no heat storage Lake evaporation involves some energy transfer in warming,cooling during, thus is different than FWS. FWS evaporation is equivalent to PE from a grass surface Evapotranspiration (ET) Demand SAC-SMA term for evaporation that occurs when moisture is not limiting Considers type and activity of vegetation Analysis of Evaporation Definition of Terms, cont’d. Seasonal PE Adjustment Curve Modifies PE values on a seasonal basis for Type of vegetation Activity level of vegetation ET Demand = PE X PE adjustment curve Actual ET Amt. of evaporation loss given ET Demand current moisture conditions and snow cover Pan Evaporation Amt. of evaporation measured by an evaporation pan Differs from FWS evap. due to change in heat storage Class A pan most common Pan Coefficient Average ratio of FWS evaporation to that measured by a pan 1.0 Range: usually 0.66 to 0.88 Determination of PE Monthly Average PE Computed from met. Factors Computed from average monthly pan evaporation. Daily PE Computed from met. factors using a Penman type equation Factors: air temp, dew point, wind speed, solar radiation. Computed from daily pan measurements Adjust by pan coefficient Seasonal PE Adjustment Curves Defined at the mid-point of each month Linear interpolation between points. Evap. rates for actively growing vegetation differ from grass (basis for PE). Seasonal differences Estimation of Mean ET-Demand Determine mean annual PE or FWS evap. using Tech. Report #33 (in CAP) Break down mean annual PE into ave. daily values for each month Estimate sea


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