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高电压技术在静电除尘方面的应用 年级:研一 专业:高压 姓名: 吕树明 学号:0920300072 第一章 绪论 高电压技术日趋成熟,在现代社会,工业技术的发展已经远远超过了以往的任何时期,给人类文明增添了光辉灿烂的一笔,人类的生活也因此而变得越来越简洁快捷。但人类文明的发展是伴随着环境破坏的影响,烟尘的大量排放就是其中最为严重的污染物之一,如何在工业成产中去除烟尘已成为当今的一项重要问题,工业上常用的办法就有静电除尘方式除尘,本文就是简洁高电压技术在静电除尘方面的一些应用。 早在公元前600年,希腊人就知道被摩擦过的琥珀对细粒子和纤维的静电吸引作用,库仑发现的平方反比定律称为静电学的科学基础,它也是电除尘理论的出发点。威廉描述到:电能吸引由熄灭的火花产生的烟。1745年,富兰克林开始研究尖端放电,他似乎是首先研究我们现在所涉及到的发电尖端的电晕放电。最早有关烟尘电力吸引的文学叙述出自英国的宫廷内科医生威廉吉伯特,时间是1600年。1772年,贝卡利亚对于大量烟雾的气体中的放电、电风现象进行了试验以后,1824-1908年,一些人做了一些有关净化过程中烟雾、烟草中的烟等试验。1908年,柯特雷尔发表了他的第一个专利,并在赛尔拜冶炼厂电除尘成功地回收了过去很难处理的硫酸雾。后来在他的学生施密特协助下又进行了发展,为在冶金和水泥工业中迅速广泛地采用电除尘,成功地控制空气污染奠定了基础,从本世纪二十年代到四十年代开始应用于其它工业。 Abstract High voltage technology matures, in the modern society, industrial technology development has far more than any of the previous period for human civilization, add a brilliant pen, human life and thus becomes more and more concise. But with the development of human civilization is the environmental damage, the influence of smoke emission is one of the most serious pollutant in industry, how to remove dust into during has become one of the most important problems in industry, used to have this way, dust removal is concise and high voltage technology in electrostatic precipitation of some applications. In 600 BC, the greeks knew by the friction of fine particles and amber electrostatic attraction of fiber, found inverse square law of coulomb electrostatic learn scientific basis as it is, the theory of dust. William: power to attract the spark generated by out of smoke. Franklin started to study in 1745 point discharge, he seems to be first research, we now have the power of cutting-edge involves corona discharge. The smoke from the literature narrative power to attract the British royal physician William gilbert, time is 1600 years. 1722 Samuel Adams, beka leah to the discharge of gases of smoke, the wind, the test 1824-1908, some people do some relevant purification process of tobacco smoke, the smoke. In 1908, curt ryel published his f


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