
A Baseline Study on Legal Aid in Southeast Asia.ppt

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A Baseline Study on Legal Aid in Southeast Asia

Thank you very much! There are some proponents who argue that legal aid is a human right, as such must be provided for by the State. United Nations Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Mrs. Gabriela Knaul views legal aid as “both a right in itself and an essential precondition for the exercise and enjoyment of a number of human rights, including the rights to a fair trial and to an effective remedy… It represents an important safeguard that contributes to ensuring the fairness and public trust in the administration of justice.” Provision of legal aid to those who are in need of it begets respect for the rule of law rule of law prevails and administration of justice. ? The reality is that the availability and accessibility of legal aid depends on the State. In some countries, most of the providers of legal aid are actually private institutions or non-governmental organizations. Their approach to legal aid likewise differ. ? Though the topics of legal aid and rule of law is not new in the context of Southeast Asia, there is no consolidated and organized data as to the basis of legal aid in as well as the type of legal aid services, if such exist, that are provided the different Southeast Asian countries. However, there is currently a dearth of resources and information as to legal aid in Southeast Asia. Hence, the Ateneo Human Rights Center spearheaded a baseline study on legal aid in Southeast Asia. * Legal advice, assistance, and representation for persons detained, arrested or imprisoned, suspected or accused of, or charged with a criminal offence and for victims and witnesses in the criminal justice process that is provided at no cost for those without sufficient means or when the interests of justice so require. Also legal education, access to legal information, and other services provided for persons through alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and restorative justice processes. * The Ateneo Human Rights Center tapped eleven co


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