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Backward Design, Assessment, TIPS, and Rubrics
Backward Design, Assessment, and Rubrics Based on Understanding by Design By Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe Backward Design Process Identify Desired Results What should students know, understand, and be able to do? “Enduring” Understanding What are the “Big Ideas” and “Essential Questions” of the project, unit, or lesson? What key knowledge and skills will the students acquire as a result of this unit? Begin with the end in mind. Determine Acceptable Evidence Think like an assessor and gather evidence at several points. Traditional assessments used for essential knowledge and skills needed for the culminating performance. Assessment Evidence Performance tasks projects Make grading criteria known to students Reduce teacher subjectivity Maintain focus on content, performance standards, and student work Rubrics “Many rubrics describe a progression of skill from novice to expert. Our quest, however, is not for a rubric of skill development but for a rubric that combines insight and performance related to understanding of ideas and meaning.” Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction Identify the facts, concepts, principles, and the procedures the students will need in order to complete performance task or project. Identify content for direct teaching, coaching, and constructivist teaching. Select activities, materials, and resources. Learning Activities: WHERETO W = help students know where the unit is going? H = hook all students and hold their interest? E = equip students, explore the issues, and experience the ideas? R = provide opportunities to rethink and revise? E = allow students to exhibit their understanding and evaluate their work? T = be tailored to the different needs, interests, and abilities of learners? O = be organized to maximize initial and sustained engagement as well as effective learning? Chinese Proverbs I hear, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand. * * Stage 1: Identify Desired Results Stage 2: Determine Ac
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