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* 快速解答 可信賴 完整性 Wikis Aggregators Clinical Reviews Online Journals Online Books Source: 2009 eClinical Reference Survey; 1,875 physician respondents identified a need for a “single specialty site” that delivered on all three elements. 大部分的使用者利用以下三個平台得到的解答 Google (64%) Wikipedia (27%) WebMD (36%) 有50%醫生會從多方面資源去進行搜尋 超過75%醫生信賴這個部分資料庫 OvidMD * Defining Smart Content Smart Content可做到自然語言與電腦語言的結合與辨識 SmartContent 賦予應用程式處理資訊內容背後意義的能力,像是辨識一篇文章或一個段落與某個主題相關 /xml/2009/11/what-is-smart-content.html#ixzz0hnuRhaBc * EMMeT (Elsevier Merged Medical Taxonomy) 為Elsevier所研發的嶄新專屬分類架構,將MeSH、SNOMED CT、RxNorm、ICD-9、LOINC等標準醫學詞彙庫中最具臨床應用價值的項目融合為一個階層式組織的分類架構。 EMMeT運用統一醫學語言系統(Unified Medical Language System,UMLS)在這些詞彙庫之間做對應。 標準化醫學詞彙庫 RxNorm,臨床用藥與藥物遞輸器材之標準化命名詞彙庫。 MeSH,NLM針對生醫文獻進行主題分析所使用的詞彙組,最廣為人知的應用在於PubMed。 SNOMED CT,由美國病理學會所開發之完整而單元化的臨床用語,常被運用於電子健康紀錄。 ICD-9,各式疾病與相關症狀的醫學分類,常用於指定診斷及處置編碼。 CPT,美國醫學會的處置術語詞彙庫,用於追蹤住院病人與門診病人之醫療處置。 Consumer Friendly Name Breast Cancer Medical Name Malignant Neoplasm of the Breast Synonyms (lexical variants, Acronyms, Abbreviations) Malignant Tumor of Breast Malignant Breast Neoplasm Breast Ca., BC, brca, Cancer of the Breast Codes ICD9 – 174.9 MeSH – D001943 SNOMED – 190121004 Semantic Type/Group Neoplastic Process/Disease Breast Disorders Cancer of the Thorax Mammary Neoplasms More…. Breast Sarcoma Familial Breast Cancer Malignant lymphoma of the Breast Malignant Neoplasm of the breast outer quadrant More… Symptoms Diagnostic Procedures Treatment Procedures Medications Physician Specialties Risk Factors Prevention Complications Nutritional Supplements Alternative Procedures Breast Lump, Nipple Retraction, ….. Mammography, Breast Biopsy, ….. Chemotherapy, Mastectomy, …. Meditation, Yoga, …. Tamoxifen, Doxorubicin, ….. Surgical Oncologist, Radiologist, …. Family History, Genetics, Predisposition, …. Screening, Preemptive Mastectomy, …. Metastatic Cancer, …. Vitamins, Flaxseed, …. Parent Terms Semantic Relationships Children Terms Making S


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