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13-1.VBS 2 13-2.VBS 4 13-3.VBS 6 13-4.VBS 8 13-5.VBS 10 13-6.VBS 12 13-7.VBS 15 13-1.VBS ---the following lines have been added to ensure all required COM objects are available on your system. script uses the following components: scripting.filesystemobject CheckCOM ---end of COM-object checking code--- set args = WScript.Arguments if args.Count=0 then MsgBox Please drag a vbs script file on my icon. _ Ill place it into the Startup group! WScript.Quit end if set fs = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject) set wshshell = CreateObject(WScript.Shell) scriptfile = args(0) if not lcase(fs.GetExtensionName(scriptfile))=vbs then MsgBox I only accept vbs script files! WScript.Quit end if startup = wshshell.SpecialFolders(Startup) name = InputBox(Under which name should I place the script _ fs.GetBaseName(scriptfile) into the StartUp- _ Group?, autostart script) set scut = wshshell.CreateShortcut(startup \ name .lnk) scut.TargetPath = scriptfile scut.Save MsgBox Script has been successfully linked to your StartUp group! --- the following code had been automatically added to ensure all required COM objects are installed. function COMExists(name) checks whether a specific COM object is installed on your local machine set cwsh = CreateObject(WScript.Shell) on error resume next dummy = cwsh.RegRead(HKCR\ name \) if err.number0 then COMExists = false else COMExists = true end if end function sub CheckCOM if not COMExists(scripting.filesystemobject) then msg=COM-Object scripting.filesystemobject is required. This object is currently not installed on your system. vbCr msg = msg Reinstall the Windows Scripting Host! vbCr MsgBox msg, vbExclamation end if if not COMExists( then msg=COM-Object is required. This object is currently not installed on your system. vbCr msg = msg Reinstall the Windows Scripting Host! vbCr MsgBox msg, vbExc


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