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本科生毕业论文(设计) 一种公交调度问题的数学模型及应用 姓  名   号 专  业 指导教师 年月日 。通过具体数据分析, 将公交车运行时段分为早高峰、平峰、晚高峰,进而计算出发车时间间隔。由于考虑到乘客和公交公司的利益,力求达到社会总效益最大化,对各时段发车时间间隔以及发车次数做出轻微适当调整,尤其是人多人少时段,并计算出公交车的平均满载率,并对所求结果进行评价 关键词: Abstract Bus scheduling problem, the author of this paper, to satisfy passengers and bus companies under the premise of the interests of both sides, build a model, on the basis of the general regularity of a typical weekday passenger Numbers and the life of people in actual life rule in collecting data, will give the data conversion process, for each time to the bus passengers from the analysis of the data, and then by the time standing between the maximum number of passengers the least start of the session, and then calculate need minimum of vehicles. Article mainly passenger cars, passenger waiting time as constraint conditions, with the operation of the bus company bus number minimum as objective function, integer programming model is established in [1]. By analyzing specific data, bus operation time can be divided into early peak, peak, peak later, car departure time intervals are calculated. Due to considering the interests of the passengers and bus companies, to achieve social benefit maximization, the number of various departure time intervals of time and start to make a slight adjust, especially people have less time, and calculate the average bus load factors, and to evaluate the result of the petitions Key Words: Integer model; Period of time; The number of passengers stand between transport; The average load factors 目 录 言 ,人们的环保和低碳意识也越来越强烈,尤其是这两年雾霾现象越来越困扰着人们的生活,为人们的室外活动造成了很大的影响,因此作为人们出行工具之一的公共交通也备受人们青睐。发展公交是城市交通发展的方向,如果公交方便、准点、舒适、安全,市民就更愿意坐公交,公交才能真正成为城市的主要交通工具,这样城市的交通才能得到改善。因而做好公交车的调度对于完善城市交通环境、改进市民出行情况、提高公交公司的经济和社会效益,具有十分重要的意义 (二)研究的内容 公交车一方面给人们的出行带来了方便, 另一方面也给公交公司带来了经济效益.对乘客来讲在乘车出行方便的同时也要面临等车难的问题(尤其是在上下班的高峰期), 乘客希望等车的时间尽可能短,即有更多的公交车可乘.而对公交公司来讲低成本高收益是目的, 于是乘客的利益与公交公司的利益在某种程度上出现了矛盾,其实双方利益看似矛盾实则一致。根据一个典型工作日客运人数的一般规律和实际生活中人们的生活规律,



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