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软件工程课程设计论文 软件工程课程设计报告 姓 名: 蓝添平0560063,丁海晗0560066, 郭威0560072, 杨海军0560075, 马少兵0560078,揣新立0560087, 年 级: 05级 院 系: 信息工程学院 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 指导教师: 李霞丽 2008年6月15日 摘要 随着计算机软件系统在各企业单位的应用,越来越多原本人工操作的日常事物都可以交由计算机来完成处理,而且无论从经济还是效率方面都远远超过人工操作。本报告就介绍了一种应用于高校的软件工程课程设计的管理系统,教师和学生都可以使用该系统。学生使用自己的姓名和学号(密码)登陆后,可以从题库中选择一个题目,并且填写同组的其他同学的姓名,学号,班级,小组长等。选题一旦保存就不能再更改。学生可以修改自己的密码。可以查询自己的选题情况。学生可以查询自己的课程设计成绩。生在课程设计的各个阶段的工作报告上传至该系统。教师使用姓名和工资号(密码)登陆后,可以查看学生的选题情况;可以查看学生的设计报告,填写学生的项目进度情况,并且给出最后的分数。教师可以修改自己的密码。教师把课程设计的题目,学习的资料等上传到该系统。其他使用该系统的人,可以以客户身份登陆浏览。 关键词:计算机;软件;学生;教师;课程设计 Abstract With the computer software system in all units of the enterprise applications, more and more of the original manual Richangshiwu computer can be handed over to complete treatment, but in terms of economy or efficiency are far more than manual. This report presents a software engineering applied to the university curriculum design management system, teachers and students can use the system. Students to use their names and learning (password) after landing, you can choose from a Q A topic, and fill out the group with the names of the other students, school, class, group, and so long. Once the preservation of topics can no longer change. Students can edit their own passwords. Enquiries can be their own choice situation. Students can learn about their curriculum design achievements. Health courses in the various stages of the design work report uploaded to the system. Teachers to use the name and salary (password) after landing, students can view the topics; students can view the design of the report, the students filled out the progress of the project, and given the final scores. Teachers can modify their own passwords. Teachers to the subject of curriculum design, learning the information uploaded to the system. Other users


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