用MATLAB时重要MATLAB tools.doc

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用MATLAB的时重要MATLAB tools ? ADCPtools - acoustic doppler current profiler data processing ? AFDesign - designing analog and digital filters ? AIRES - automatic integration of reusable embedded software ? Air-Sea - air-sea flux estimates in oceanography ? Animation - developing scientific animations ? ARfit - estimation of parameters and eigenmodes of multivariate autoregressive methods ? ARMASA - power spectrum estimation ? AR-Toolkit - computer vision tracking ? Auditory - auditory models ? b4m - interval arithmetic ? Bayes Net - inference and learning for directed graphical models ? Binaural Modeling - calculating binaural cross-correlograms of sound ? Bode Step - design of control systems with maximized feedback ? Bootstrap - for resampling, hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation ? BrainStorm - MEG and EEG data visualization and processing ? BSTEX - equation viewer ? CALFEM - interactive program for teaching the finite element method ? Calibr - for calibrating CCD cameras ? Camera Calibration ? Captain - non-stationary time series analysis and forecasting ? CHMMBOX - for coupled hidden Markov modeling using maximum likelihood EM ? Classification - supervised and unsupervised classification algorithms ? CLOSID ? Cluster - for analysis of Gaussian mixture models for data set clustering ? Clustering - cluster analysis ? ClusterPack - cluster analysis ? COLEA - speech analysis ? CompEcon - solving problems in economics and finance ? Complex - for estimating temporal and spatial signal complexities ? Computational Statistics ? Coral - seismic waveform analysis ? DACE - kriging approximations to computer models ? DAIHM - data assimilation in hydrological and hydrodynamic models ? Data Visualization ? DBT - radar array processing ? DDE-BIFTOOL - bifurcation analysis of delay differential equations ? Denoise - for removing noise from signals ? DiffMan - solving differential equation


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