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怀孕的各个时期饮食有不同讲究 胎儿的生长发育全部依附于母体的营养供给。“一人吃饱,两人不饿”,说的就是孕妇与腹中胎儿的紧密关系。孕妇能否生出一个健康、聪明的宝宝,这与孕期中饮食是否科学有着密切的关系。 那么怀孕了,你和宝宝应该吃些什么呢?   第一期妊娠早期(0~3个月): 是胚胎各组织器官形成时期,是胎儿生长发育至关重要的时期,也是胎儿最易致畸的时期。这一时期孕妇往往会出现程度不一的妊娠反应恶心呕吐食欲不振呕吐流产感冒医生叶酸维生素E维生素D维生素C抽搐柠檬水肿流产医院植酸亚油酸叶酸脊柱裂唇裂腭裂早产维生素D高血压产后出血维生素K消化道出血凝血酶凝血酶口红口红风油精风油精恶心呕吐氧脱发洗发精流产触电紧张流产难产早产氧化锌毛囊炎斑疹医院医生皮肤过敏水肿食欲不振头痛恶心呕吐发热白喉多饮头痛心跳加快疲乏无力乙醇智力低下香粉便秘便秘自然流产痴呆语言发育迟缓医院宫外孕唇裂兔唇腭裂脑积水羊水量脐带绕颈前置胎盘难产绒毛膜促性腺激素流鼻血先兆流产利尿腹泻脱水糖尿病糖尿低血糖 insulating properties of air ... GB/T9966.3-2001 test methods for natural facing stones part 4: wear resistance test method for GB/T996 6.4-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 5th part: test method for scleroscope hardness GB/T996 6.5-2001 test methods for natural facing stones 6th part: test method for acid resistance GB/T996 6.6-2001 test methods for natural facing stone test methods for natural facing stones 8th part: by uniform static pressure difference test stone mounted Structure strength test method of GB/T996 6.8-2001 13, sealant technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction with Silicon sealant silicone building sealant GB/T14683-2003 GB16776-2005 JC887-2001 dry hanging stone curtain wall with epoxy adhesive sealant for glass curtain wall joints JC/T882-2001 JC/T883-2001 mold for building stone building sealant sealant JC/ T885-2001 elastomeric sealant for insulating glass JC/T486-2001 14, building curtain wall fasteners for standard steel high strength bolts with large Hexagon head, large Hexagon nuts, washers technology GB/T1231-2006 high strength plain washers for steel structures GB/T1230-2006 high strength large Hexagon nuts for steel GB/T1229-2006 high-strength big six head bolts for steel GB/T1228-2006 mechanical properties of fasteners Multigrip blind rivets GB/T3099.2-2004 GB/T3098.19-2004 fastener terminology test methods for mechanical properties of fasteners for blind rivets GB/T3098.18-2004 wing nut fasteners mechanical properties ensure torque GB/T3098.20-2004 mechanical properties of


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